
I had an uptight religious no sex before marriage boyfriend. Plus I mostly lived at home. So yes. Everyone had way more fun than me at college.

Advice on dealing with my own difficult financial situation making it hard to be supportive or sympathetic to my friends.

I'm so glad someone agreed! I have yet to meet a Jew, who grew up not eating bacon, who now loves it as much as people who grew up eating bacon. I'm sure they're out there, but I just think it's so interesting. I wonder if children who grew up in vegetarian households have something similar.

I almost never cook it myself. It still feels "wrong" to bring it in the house and I don't cook much meat anyway. But I've definitely had enough it as part of breakfast at a wide variety of place, and bacon burgers or BLTs etc. to have had a large sampling group. Good, but not best thing ever. Definitely always smells

Sounds to me like you're making sad salads. Don't get my wrong, I'm a meat devotee and I love all sorts of not healthy for you stuff, but a good, well made salad can sometimes be just the thing.

Ugh, The Pilot's Wife. I read it in high school. It was one of my first "adult" books and I just have a vague memory of being worrying that books were all going to be like that from now on. I know what you mean though, about wanting to know the ends of things but not caring how it gets there. Sometimes I just Google

This might be the former media and film studies student in me, but watching good TV is always productive (full disclosure: it could also be the long term unemployment speaking) :-)

Yeah, I can't believe that this isn't a bigger story. I know everybody is really happy about the DOMA decision, but OH MY GOD how are people not worried about this blatantly racist decision. It's horrifying.

Wait. Is Supernatural the guilty pleasure or the peanut butter icing? Because I'm almost at the end of season 2 and I think it's a legit awesome show. Not quite Buffy league, but still pretty damn good.

A very scientific poll about bacon :-P

Based on the rest of your reading list and the fact that you're not sure about continuing with The Pilot's Wife, you could probably safely cut The Memory Keeper's Daughter. I read it a few years back, so I couldn't put my finger on exactly why I didn't like it, but I definitely remember feeling like it was a waste of

The Dog Stars was really good and I'm in the middle of Dare Me by Meg Abbott, which has been perfect summer reading!

It's definitely surprising that she's now directing Lifetime movies. I wonder how much of the career slip had to do with the fact that her Bettie Page movie was so poorly received. Still, you'd think she might keep on the indie or low budget path.

The sleep thing is SO important. I nannied for a family with a 1 1/2 and a 3 1/2 year old and while the younger one had nap time, the older one didn't. It was super obvious that he needed nap time - I'm pretty sure the fact that he didn't contributed to nearly daily tantrums, but he didn't want nap time, and the

I thought so too. I went to the Tumblr and they do blow up Leonardo DiCaprio's head, but from what I saw, he was the only actor and it was only from Titanic, which from what I remember got a lot of backlash due to how popular it was amongst women. So it didn't exactly make me feel like it was equal opportunity

Really? I take issue with a lot of stuff in Disney, but I don't see how this video is making any intelligent commentary on what's problematic about the princesses. It's just blowing their heads off. But I guess that's okay if it's depictions of heteronormative women???

I always pictured Helen Mirren, but this is a great choice. And really, we all know that book Katniss and Gale don't look anything like Jennifer Lawrence and Thor's brother Whoseit, so I don't see why Coin having different hair color should be an issue.

I haven't watched the pilot yet, and I haven't seen any of the commercials for it, so I can't actually speak to content yet, but the idea of there being a show about Latina maids doesn't bug me (for background context I'm mixed white/Hispanic). I understand why people see it as problematic that a primarily Latina cast

I just started seeing commercials for that on Hulu and I'm curious, but wasn't sure if I was going to start watching. Your assessment might have pushed me towards it.

This show was never better than that storyline. Oh the good old days.