
This actually might be the best thing that ever happened.

Does anybody else have lots of technical problems with Hulu? It pauses all the time, or skips around weirdly. Today I've been trying to watch Downton Abbey and I keep having to refresh episodes to get them to play. I'm an unemployed shut in! My TV is very important to me!

There might not be much you can do, but you are definitely not the asshole, he is. Anybody who has to resort to that shit just because you rejected them is not somebody you want to be around.

I don't know if anybody is good at breaking up, especially in situations as difficult and messy as this one seems to be. Probably the best you can do is explain why you need out, and then totally cut off from him. I know it'll be really hard, but in the long run it will be better for both of you not to drag it out.

I don't think it's ever ok. I once flipped out at an English friend of mine who wanted to buy a confederate flag pin as a souvenir. He was really surprised at what a strong reaction I had to it, but I ended up convincing him. Just. No. No no no no no no no no.

With you. After undergrad and grad school I'm like $80,ooo in debt and I can't find a "real" job or anything full time or anything that would keep me above the poverty level. Both my parents are retired, my father has serious financial issues and can't help at all. My mom helps as much as she can, but it's a huge

It seems like you've gotten a lot of similar responses to this and I agree that your ex is wrong. Non-romantic affection between friends and family is an incredibly important part of healthy relationships. I was abused as a kid, and while yes, I can get uncomfortable sometimes, I've found that physical affection with

That is all I want in life. Looking for a job is terrible and all the jobs I've had have been terrible. And school is engaging and exciting and interesting. If I won the lottery I'd be a forever student.

I'm having the worst procrastination issue. I have to grade practice SAT essays by midnight tonight. I only have to do 2 and I know I'm building it up in my head and making it way worse than it is, but this is not how I want to spend time on Saturday night. Things I have done today to procrastinate that are way better

I have never heard of that particular side effect. And as someone desperate to get a breast reduction, I am very interested in hearing all the info. Surely, as long as you're following doctor's instructions, things will get normal again.

Scotland gets lots of light in the summer, but come on - winter is god awful and most of the time, it is chilly and rainy in the summer. The first summer I lived there, with the exception of 3 days in June, had to wear my trench coat every single day. There's lots of great things about Scotland, but the weather just

I mean that's a valid point but 1. it was stated so obnoxiously that it seems the OP was trying to start a fight rather than make the point and 2. do you really believe that women won't date a man with a smaller penis on the same scale that men will refuse to date a fat woman? Because a hell of a lot of men will flat

Well played!

Just went to your Tumblr - it's such a great idea!!

While I agree that a lot of things for women are ghettoized, I'm not sure about the ladymag thing. Are publications like GQ and Esquire really taken more seriously because they're aimed at men? I'm not sure I buy it. They seem to have an equivalent amount of frivolous fashion, and what women want articles, with celeb

Never before has a trailer made me so giddy, without actually making me want to see the movie.

Yeah, this one woman who has spent her life focused on beauty pageants instead of school and a career is somehow representative of all working women. That makes sense.

I shared my conflicted feeling about my dad on the Crap Dads post, so I'm going to talk about my awesome grandpa! He was such a warm, funny man. He was always goofing around with me. We used to swim together and if I got in first he'd love to ask me if the water was wet. And he'd try to pop up from under the water and

Sounds like you should go for it! And yeah it's far but there's so much of NZ to explore, and you can go to Australia (or Tahiti!) if you feel the need to go somewhere else.

I can't speak from personal experience, but several of my friends who are in extremely happy relationships (married or long term partnerships) have expressed that sentiment to me. They just knew. And I suppose I've always known when a relationship was wrong, so I can easily imagine how you could "just know" when it's