
It is not you. It has nothing to do with you, or any vibe you're putting out. Unfortunately, it's a fact of life in NYC. I was about 11 when I started getting oogled, and once I hit my teens I started getting catcalled, asked out by random guys who just came up to me on the street, and sometimes even grabbed. Almost

If you had to sum up Soderbergh's oeuvre it would go something like this: Wait. This movie is way better than it has any right to be.

Sounds like you answered your own question. Gentrification. I feel like only people who view it negatively use that term. People who think of it as a good thing say "urban renewal."

Are you only looking for English speaking countries? If not, I'd suggest Spain. I haven't lived there but go on holiday there every chance I get, and love it more each time. I did grad school in Scotland. The weather is terrible but it's a great place to be. Edinburgh and Glasgow both have so much going on, and it's

Arachnophobes unite! You have nothing to be ashamed of, spiders are the worst. I don't trust people who aren't afraid of them. Although I'm grateful for them and their spider removal abilities.

I've heard good things about John Dies at the End! Although I'm terrified of spiders, so that second one...

Liked, didn't love. But I'm glad I read it and I want to read The Interestings.

Never read any Joyce, but while we're on the subject of books, what is everyone reading for summer? I've done The Dog Stars and The Uncoupling, and I'm halfway through Sacre Bleu. Always on the lookout for smart beach reads.

I can see what you're saying. And to be fair, I didn't go into all the details of the argument I had with this particular guy. I should have said that even after I pointed out some statistical inconsistencies re: Messi vs. Ronaldo and brought up Zidane as one example of a superior player, he still insisted that I

The reason I explained the story as I did is because of the amount of people - not women - I've encountered who look at me like I have three heads when I say something about football. It had nothing to do with this being a feminist site with a majority female readership. If I had to explain it on any site, other than

Yeah. Well, it's nothing new. Just a drop in the bucket - and I'm sure any woman who is really into any sport has her own catalogue of similar experiences.

I'm surprised that that's where people's comments went. It's one thing to take issue with how I explained the story, but questioning how much I actually know just because I mentioned a particularly famous player instead of a more obscure one, that seems just as bad as me being vague in the original comment.

Hala Madrid! :-P I've been pretty lucky with other football fans here in the States, but when I lived in Europe it was crazy how many guys wanted to test how much I knew. Being a girl AND an American. Unfortunately, I do run into a lot of Americans who still think football is a big joke and are obnoxious about it.

That's true of a lot of people, but I have known Europeans who, while they know who those guys are, don't know anything about who they play for, or the rivalries. I mean, I literally could not tell you the most famous American football player right now and I know like one basketball player and I definitely don't know

I wasn't saying I know a lot about football because I was having a conversation about Messi. I said I know a lot about football and I happened to be having a conversation about Messi. If we'd been arguing about Johan Cruyff there might not have been a problem. I'm sure the fact that Messi is so well known made it much

I didn't mean to make assumptions that other Jezzies wouldn't know what I was talking about. Most of the other fans I know are women, and they're crazy smart about football. But I also know lots of people, men and women, who have never heard of either Messi or Ronaldo, or have heard of them but don't know which teams

You know it!

So with you. I'm ok with people mostly, but I definitely need more alone time than most other people I know. (And I LOVE staying home and watching hours of Criminal Minds). I think the best thing you can do is be honest with yourself about your needs. Figure out how much socialization makes you happy and what you most

Hey, now you know. I used to do coke occasionally, and I eventually realized that it didn't do that much for me and it made me feel like shit the next day. Haven't considered doing it in years now. Sometimes we need to figure stuff like that out from firsthand experience.

If it's a one night stand or casual thing I often think about other crushes I have. If it's someone I'm really into I get self conscious. A guy I really liked, after we had sex for the first time made a comment that I had been very quiet. I'm just not a screamer, even if it's good sex, but ever since then whenever I'm