
I got into it with a friend of a friend about a football (soccer) player. Football is the one sport where I know my shit. The guy who is generally regarded as the world's best plays for my team's biggest rivals, so obviously I'm not going to be such a big fan. I would never say he isn't one of the greats, but I

I feel so conflicted about Father's Day. There are a lot of reasons my father was/is a decent father. Even though my parents split when I was really little, my dad made a big effort to see me, and to this day has a close relationship to my mother. And I know that's way more than a lot of people get. But, he's also an

The Corrections was fucking terrible! Phew - that felt good to say.

That was meant to be sarcastic in tone. I thought that came through due to the nature of the rest of the comment, but maybe not. I phrased it that way that's how it seems like the people hurling abuse at this kid think. They feel comfortable watching and cheering for non white athletes because it entertains them, but

Oops, sorry, I meant to reply to something else!

Now playing

Because it is totes fine for people of color to entertain us with sports, but GOD FORBID someone of Mexican descent sing the National Anthem? SERIOUSLY PEOPLE?!?!?!?

Finally, being unemployed/underemployed and broke has worked in my favor. Whenever I do have enough money to make donations I am crazy picky about who I give to. CharityNavigator is my favorite resource.

Yawn. Wake me when I can hold entire conversations using only gifs.

I thought "Michael Cera was in Magic Mike and nobody noticed until NOW?!?"

Yeah. I had a bunch of internships where I worked almost full time for free, and now I can't find a job because I don't have enough experience. Internships don't count.

Proposals should be unique to you and your partner. If you're sure that your intended would be stoked by the attention from a public proposal - go for it! Personally I would hate that, but it should be about what the askee would find most romantic. It's when the proposal seems to be about the asker showing off without

That was a hilariously harrowing experience.

I've never used the Diva Cup but I have a friend who hated it and said she could never get it to work correctly, and another friend who switched like 8 years ago and swears by it. So my guess is you've just got to try it and see.

I never really understood applicator hate. Maybe I'm doing it wrong, but I've found applicator-free tampons to be messier and more unwieldy.

Wait Wait. Ken Jennings has a Twitter? Between finding this out today and his recent stint on Wait Wait Don't Tell Me, I think my old crush on him is making a return.

I'm in the same bubble I think. Maybe because I didn't have sex until college and by that time everyone was having sex so it was no big. But I had friends in high school who were having sex and at least in our group, we didn't judge or ostracize each other for it.

But that has nothing to do with how promiscuous you are. I have a friend who is still a virgin but is totally guy obsessed and gets into crazy drama. Another friend has only slept with one guy and had a pregnancy scare. And I have friends who are way "sluttier" who are fantastic friends and almost never bring drama or

My thoughts exactly. And may I add HOLY HELL SEX BEARD!

My roommate who is super smart and well traveled, continues to think I support Barcelona, because she knows I like a Spanish football team and no matter what, can't seem to remember that it's Madrid. Sometimes people get confused about foreign geography.

Seriously. I'd love to see some of the people giving him shit for this try to have even a basic discussion about Spanish football.