
LOL. Oh the things people will say to make it okay to whitewash a character.

I feel pretty strongly that he should not have been cast in that particular role, but that aside, he was great in it and it did convince me that it's time to start watching Sherlock.

Yup. Either hire an actor of the the right ethnicity to play Khan or make Cumberbatch a different villain. There was NO NEED! Drove me crazy. And you know all the people who are like "why are you so upset it's no big" would flip their shit if they hired someone who wasn't white to be Kirk or Spock or Bones.

Yeah, I feel the same way. There were a lot of good elements but it wasn't as well made as the first one.

Agreed. He's got a great voice and everything but overall that casting was a no for me.

Saw Star Trek Into Darkness. Mostly, it just reminded me how much I loved the first of the reboots.

You can agree with the argument that running isn't as effective an exercise as it's made out to be, without saying terrible things about other people. But if you're calling people names because the way they look doesn't match how you think they should look, then that is you being small minded and judgemental, don't

Yeah. It's my favorite of the series. Everything with the Quarter Quell and seeing the other victors and there are so many powerhouse emotional moments in it and I'm SO scared! But the trailer looked damn good, so I'm not entirely convinced that it's doomed to disappoint.

Listen, I don't take issue with different readings of the show, but I feel that you're basically ignoring any points I make, which makes any discussion impossible. There are arguments to be made about how the style and camera work might work to support objectification and rape culture. But I completely disagree that

I didn't say what happened to Sierra, or any of the dolls, was acceptable. I said that rape culture normalizes unacceptable behavior to the point that people don't question it. The way that Adele or Topher or some of the clients, like Patton Oswalt's character, think there's nothing wrong with what they're doing. And

Obviously there are different ways to read it. I think they make clear that it's rape and that even though the majority of the dolls signed on for it, that you can't consent to things you're not conscious of doing. Especially when they back stories come up: Victor is a trauma victim, Echo was coerced, and particularly

I wasn't saying he's unattractive. He's normal. I see or meet guys who are normal guy cute in a Ted-ish way a lot. The point is that there isn't a disparity in the level of attractiveness of Josh Radnor and of the actress they hired to play the mother.

Haha - that would be a great twist!! But I think what you're saying that you think Josh Radnor is more attractive than he actually is - that's about your taste and the type of personality you're attracted to. He's normal guy cute. Definitely not so overwhelmingly handsome that the actress they cast as the mother is in

These people are ridiculous. Obviously everybody has different ideas about what they think is attractive, but on what planet is that actress ugly? She's totally cute. And Ted is a pretty normal looking guy himself. It says a lot about how most of the media we consume conditions people to think that all guys deserve a

The majority of characters in Dollhouse don't have agency but 1. there are male dolls also, even though it mainly focuses on Echo and 2. I read that entire show as a serious look at issues like agency and what it means to consent. You're very clearly supposed to think that what's happening to those people is horrific.

Hmm... I thought I had replied but it isn't showing up. So apologies if you get a double reply. So I only started watching GG for Jared Padalecki, but I can sense that I might get sucked in.

I'm only watching for Jared Padalecki but I just know that I'm going to get into it for the sake of the show. I've always liked Alexis Bledel.

A friend of mine put together a Supernatural primer marathon for me a few months back and I really enjoyed it. So I finally decided it was time to start watching for real. But I get the whole losing interest for no apparent reason thing. I was catching up with Breaking Bad but stopped halfway through season 2. Not

Nice! Great minds and all that :-)

Yeah they're great!