
I'm a big believer in timing. Supernatural has been in my list since like the second or third season but this was the first time I felt ready. A new TV show is an emotional investment!

My plan of action is to get caught up in time for the new season. Which, at the rate I'm going at will be a piece of cake.

That's funny - I just finished Merlin a few weeks ago. I'm still mourning.

There is definitely some freaky shit in the first season. I'm still kind of concerned that when I look in a mirror there will be a killer ghost.

After years of meaning to get around to it, recommendations from a few friends and way too much time on Tumblr, I started watching Supernatural. Not only have I gotten through a truly unhealthy number of episodes, my new crush on Jared Padalecki has gotten ridiculous. I had to start rationing Supernatural episodes

Yeah I really want to see it, but I'm not feeling it tonight. I already sat through one serious humans do terrible things to other humans movie today.

I started nannying when I was about 26. I've worked with infants and toddlers, and even though I really enjoy hanging out with kids I don't want my own. But I'm still in my 20s, so like you, I'm also open to the possibility that I might change my mind.

Any suggestions for a good but light movie? I'm watching Children of Men and I was planning on doing Straw Dogs (original) later, but I'm still recovering from a hangover and I think maybe something less horrific might be a good idea?

The term "push present" is totally gross but otherwise I don't have a problem with giving your wife or girlfriend a gift after she has a baby. It seems like a thoughtful thing to do. Although the idea that being an equal partner is a gift and not just something you should do is ridiculous. A gift is a book or a

John Mayer is the photo here because...

I stopped watching last season. It was a conscious decision, I was just on vacation for a while and couldn't be bothered to find all the episodes I'd missed and then I felt SWEET FREEDOM! But damn them and their hot men and their shirtlessness - they just might drag me back in.

Kind of in agreement with Hester Bangs. Spain is too good to waste on somebody who isn't appreciating it - Madrid especially (it gets unfavorably compared to Barcelona but that is because people are wrong and easily swayed by cool architecture). Seriously, Madrid is the best and you should be there with someone who is

Misandry! Misandry!

And how dare anybody be proud of a physical accomplishment if they have the nerve to not look the way you think they should look. I mean I know that looks are obviously the best indicator of somebody's worth as a person and a completely reliable indicator of everything about them, so even if these "heifers" (and by

Ugh yes. My last dating situation "ended" with him saying he liked me more as a friend. Okay fine - we'd only been seeing each other about a month. Unfortunately, we were in a situation where it would have been nearly impossible to avoid each other, and we'd hang out and it would get more than friendly. I told him I

Sometimes advice, no matter how well intended, just isn't helpful when you're in situations like ours. I think some commiserating and venting is necessary.

I'd also bet that the social stigma surrounding a woman wanting sex/being confident about sexuality makes women reluctant to honestly discuss their desires, therefore helping perpetuate the stereotype that women don't want sex.

I just posted a similarish FUCK MY LIFE and FUCK BEING UNEMPLOYED rant. I don't have advice (because if I did I might have a job myself) but I just wanted to say I'm sorry you're having a shitty time. I'm also almost 30 and I can't fucking believe I'm still struggling to get even an entry level job.

It's so hard no matter much education you have. Even things that used to be surefire - I know people with teaching degrees and law degrees and engineering degrees who can't find jobs. I hope you find something.

It's SO frustrating! I'm trying to move back to NYC but I'm looking for jobs everywhere because at this point I almost don't care where I live as long as I can afford rent. Good luck with Philly!