
I am and I KNOW! I'm so excited!

This week has been shitty both in the WTF is happening in the world? way and for personal reasons. So I am watching anything and everything of Dylan Moran's because that man makes me laugh until I can't breathe.

Ewan! I did a Ewan double feature last weekend and it made me so happy.

Sergio Ramos. I'm usually all about the intellectual seeming actor boys and hipster musicians, but something about that damn footballer just gets to me!

A friend of mine is in Boston this weekend visiting her friend who has been having family difficulties. A person who my friend didn't want to see was supposed to go up to Boston also, but ended up having to cancel because of the lock down. My friend emailed me and actually said she guesses she should be grateful and

This. I think we absolutely should be discussing issues of race representation in popular culture, but I think if you're a white person creating artistic content it is just fucking impossible to avoid accusations of racism. Either you're marginalizing POC or you're giving them racist characteristics. And since

I am sorry for being snarky and coming off as hostile. BTW I don't view my eating habits as religious, and I think advocating a diet that provides nutrients from a variety of food sources is a much less "religious" way of viewing things than demonizing an entire food group. Which again, is my point. Just like a

Funny, I don't remember saying bagel with cream cheese. I'm not sure if you missed my point or are willfully ignoring it, because a bagel and cream cheese is in no way the same thing as oatmeal with fruit, and the entire point of what I was saying was that it isn't helpful to demonize an entire group of food, when

Hell yeah thin crust! NY style pizza FTW!

Exactly. Moderation and not depriving yourself if you really want something are important. I've found that cutting out carbs actually sabotages my dieting. If I don't eat carbs then by late afternoon I'm completely ravenous and eventually I'm going to just go for the easiest quickest yummiest foods - which are

Or, people should eat things in moderation and get exercise. Plenty of people who eat carbs are perfectly healthy and skinny. Demonizing a single food item or group is a terrible idea because then people think they can eat anything they want as long as it isn't (insert trend here). If I eat oatmeal and fruit for

I know right? All I can think is he must have misunderstood womens college to mean finishing school.

Well the tumors in the lungs thing is a no brainer. I spent one semester as an intern for a PR company that worked with some biggish names in indie music and I frankly wouldn't be surprised if I got lung cancer from my cigarette expose just over those few months. Over the course of most of your life - forget it.

Haha. I would counter that flourless cake is a thing and that not all cheesecake has crust (in fact, there is a bakery near where I grew up that is famous for cheesecake. Theirs are among the most delicious I've ever had they are crustless). We'll have to agree to disagree.

Did you seriously miss The Great Cheesecake Debate of 200... umm whenever Jez did that March Madness?

I don't understand why on earth these people think that not teaching kids sex ed means they won't have sex. WHY WOULD YOU THINK THAT? It is all about adults being uncomfortable with the idea of teens being sexual. They are putting their own personal discomfort above people's health. It disgusts me.

No I thought the same thing. It seems to be highlighting the problem, not celebrating it.

I was involved with a guy who had 'Yellow Fever' (blergh - hate that term so much!). Even though I'm not Asian I often get confused as being mixed and he used to tell me that I looked like I could be Asian or compare my features to Asian actresses he liked. Turned out he was a complete jerk - surprise! He wanted to be

I'd be interested to see this expanded to a broader range of films. Granted I haven't gone that far back on that Tumblr but it seems to mostly be pretty popular films. Even the art house selections are still Oscar-approved types of films. I wonder what including a selection of truly under the radar, low budget, no

Agree. John Carter was a solid genre film!