
Yes. I see feminism as a fight to make peoples lives better, not just women. Men are also harmed by sexism and generally, people should be concerned about oppression, whether or not they are a member of the marginalized group themselves. I don't understand why this is so difficult - ok, yes I do. Examining your own

As someone who once got to pee using a backstage VIP port-o-potty at Coachella - meh. I shared the sink with Regina Spektor and that was far more exciting than the "superior" quality of the toilet.

When does Zoe Saldana not look badass? She's the epitome of badass. I've had love for that lady since Center Stage and I can't wait for the new Trek!

Oh Peeta. I see my age inappropriate crush is about to return, and forcefully.

Cool. Thanks!

That sounds like it would be 1. detrimental to productivity and 2. lots of fun. I have an iPhone.

Oh I've been wanting to read Jonathan Strange. It's been sitting on my shelf forever. Would it make a good summer read? I'm reading Ashes and Diamonds which is about Poland at the very end of WWII and I started it when the weather was still cold. But now it's getting warm and that will quickly turn into dear lord it's

I laugh every time!

I still have not gotten the hang of Google Plus but I'm glad to hear that people are finding ways to use it!

That's interesting. Only on Jez or do you have other internet question hangouts?

No no, it's fine. I was just curious myself. I thought you might be doing a psych project or something.

His whole family dressed like that and he thought dressing nicely was too expensive and a waste of time. Plus, he was really invested in setting himself apart from the preppy guys he grew up around and he seemed to think if he put effort into how he looked it meant he was the same as the guys he thought were assholes.

Nope. I tend to be attracted to guys who are kind of off. I think they're quirky and interesting or misunderstood and surprise surprise that hasn't worked out too well.

Yeah, it's useful and it feels like a big accomplishment every time I realize I've understood something I wouldn't have understood a month or 6 months ago. Give it a try.

Fun! I'm planning a trip to South America next summer so I really want to learn as much as I can in the next year. Thanks for the suggestions! I was sing a podcast to supplement my classes but they stopped updating.

They're all fluent Spanish speakers. I speak with my stepmom in Spanish a bit but I just don't really talk to that side of the family much. It' true though, you have to speak it. I've been taking classes for a few months, but the best practice I've gotten has definitely been when I was on holiday in Spain. Clearly I

To wear ridiculous clothing or be immature? Honestly, I could never quite figure out why he was so deferential to them. But things were weird. He bought me a necklace for my birthday and then told me to lie if they asked about it because he didn't want them to know he'd spent money on an semi-expensive gift for me.

He wore them proudly. Though to be fair, sometimes he wore Harry Potter or Transformers shirts instead. Even in the winter when he had to wear sweaters, the cartoon shirts were always what he wore underneath. And yes, they were an outward expression of his inner immaturity. I tried to think it was endearing but in the

I've been working on Spanish for a few months now. My dad's family is Hispanic so it's really embarrassing that I'm so bad at it. Today I was in Barnes and Noble and picked up a Spanish childrens book and even though I didn't know all the vocabulary I still understood like 98% of it. I'm SO excited! Now if only my