
My ex wore Disney t shirts. All. The. Time. Almost every shirt he owned had a Disney character on it. Does that count? (This is not to disparage a love of Disney or "kids" things in adults. I think holding on to some childhood things is great. But every shirt???)

Wow. I guess it's no longer enough to be a dick about nerds staying inside and never getting up from the computer. Let's shit on them for taking the nerdery outside too. Harry Potter is awesome, this seems like fun, and why the hell does it matter that the series is finished? I don't know a single sports fan who

I'm iffy. Personally I LOVED college. I genuinely believe that my college education made me grow as a person and really helped define who I am. And I was not an enthusiastic high school student, so I wouldn't want to say that some people aren't good students and should find other paths, because you never know what

Slings and Arrows is a Canadian dramedy about a Shakespearean theater company. I've just started on the second season and I love it. And it's on Netflix instant!

If you want something more upscale the Benefit products are great. I like Boots line for Target when I need something more wallet friendly.

Is there a specific skin issue you're trying to focus on or you just want to upgrade? I have pretty dry skin and I use Nude's oil face wash, which helps SO much. I also love Benefit's skincare line. Amazing for dry skin and I'm super sensitive to smells, and Benefit is one of the only lines I can use without getting a

There's a band that I've been listening to for about 5 or 6 years now. I've seen them a bunch of times, met them, even interviewed the lead singer. I saw them again this past week and ran into one of the guitarists at the merch table and am suddenly crushing on him like crazy. I don't know how I never noticed him

Yay TV! My life has been made 1000% better by the return of Game of Thrones. In the complete opposite direction, Hart of Dixie is perfect to just kick back, relax and be entertained by cuteness. But by far the best things are the cancelled shows I'm catching up on: Friday Night Lights and Slings and Arrows. I can't

I always make guys use them. If someone tries to get away without using one I will probably not sleep with that person. If a random hookup is ok not using a condom with me I assume they're not using them with other people and I want no part of that disease pool.

This wasn't exactly a one night stand, but my best ever casual hookup was with a guy who lived upstairs for me. He'd come over, we'd do our thing, and then he would go back to his home and we'd both get a great night's sleep. Perfect.

How'd they get from first kiss (this is a guide to your first kiss ever, right?) to thighs and groins?? That is QUITE the leap.

That's because camp is the best!

Wondering the same. That username has been attached to so many shitty comments the past few days.

As a Jewish girl, pretty much none of this matters to me.* If I think a guy is cute and he's fun to be around and we have something to talk about then I might sleep with him. If a guy has a similar background to me then maybe there is more to talk about initially but it's not a guarantee of attraction or chemistry.

You all know that she spoke out against feminism? Right? RIGHT?

"Hate her if you want but have some respect"

Sometimes I think teaching would have been the part I liked most, but then I remember some of the conversations I had with some of the undergrads when I was in grad school...

I don't blame people who greeted this news with something other than tears and frankly, a lot of the respect and tribute being shown seems disingenuous to me. I don't respect Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachman's political careers just because they are women, nor do I celebrate Thatcher's achievements just because she was

Thanks. Good luck to you to. It's not easy to move to another country! It sounds like you're making the most of it though.

You've just reaffirmed for me that my decision to not get a PhD was correct. Thank you. And good luck with these children.