
Oh my God. Is it possible we've reached a place where movies are basically just like books now. Does there need to be a YouTube video? I might cry.

Good luck! I hope you're able to avoid getting hurt.

What? But there was a MOVIE!

I lost my job this week and I'm trying to stay positive because it wasn't a great job and only barely covered my rent. So instead of thinking of lost income, I'm considering it gained time. But having done the unemployment dance before I know I get depressed. On top of that I'm in a new city and don't really know

Haha yes. But it is a tragic story because I couldn't go and an even tragic-er story because the reason I couldn't go was that I was bring a responsible intern at a place I thought was going to hire me after graduation. Guess what? They didn't! I could have been Mrs JGL...

I'm sorry. Of course they're trying to help you but people tend to not realize how shitty things like that make you feel (and feeling shitty does not help a person lose weight). One of the reasons my relationship with my father is bad is because he's so concerned about my weight that I feel like he doesn't see me as a

A good friend of mine is going through something similar, and it's very difficult because friend & guy work together. In these situations I honestly think it's best to pull back a little. Nobody wants to lose someone they care about, but you have to figure out if the emotional pain is worth the reward. You're the only

Sounds like an emotional mess of a guy. Plus, in ignoring what you explicitly stated on your profile, he obviously thought he was more qualified to decide what you want than you are. Not a winner.

I grade practice SAT essays. One student wrote about Martin Luther King, Jr and how he struggled to overcome slavery in the 1800s.

One of my friends got each of us individual gifts. She gave me monogrammed silver luggage tags, which I loved and were perfect because I travel a lot. Not sure if individual gifts is easier or harder, but we all appreciated the thought she put into our gifts.

I think it just depends on how you approach them. I imagine that most people don't want to be disturbed while they're out at dinner or listening to music and that nobody wants to be screamed at. But if I see a celebrity I like and the situation seems acceptable I'll sometimes go over just to say hello. I've never had

That's awesome. I'm not a Chelsea fan but Lampard always seemed like a good guy. What was your thesis on?

My two best friends from high school both married young (23 and 25) and are very happy. Meanwhile, I have friends who just ended their 5 year long relationship. Good thing they weren't married! People need to stop telling other people what the fuck to do and let everyone make their own choices about what is right for

And the one and only reason to get married is to have babies?

Agreed, she's probably depressed, and has been the whole time I've known her. She expressed interest in therapy and I encouraged her but she never went. In the past when she's been feeling very bad I've always told her that I hate to see her so unhappy, tried to support her through a very toxic friendship she had, and

We all have times when we're guilty of extreme negativity or self pity. Unfortunately in this case its 5+ years (it's become a bigger problem now because I was living abroad for 3 years, and when we first met she was going through some serious family stuff and I attributed her unhappiness to that). I suppose I feel

Ouch, that can't be easy. Friends are one thing, family is a whole other ballgame.

Oh I'm pretty sure she's said things about me. Which I know should be another reason to either address the problem or move on from the friendship, but we have so many mutual friends, so I want things to be at the very least civil between us.

That sounds familiar. I do think lack of self-awareness is a big problem in this situation.

I don't know if I'm super nice but I'm terrible at conflict, so I've also been pulling away bit by bit. I'm sorry that you're also having the same problem.