
I'm considering trying to teach English abroad. On one hand, I lived abroad for grad school and really wanted to come home and get a job and "settle down". On the other hand, even with a masters I still only managed to find part time work as an office assistant and am almost as broke now as when I was a student. I

There's no easy way to answer that. It depends on SO much. Like what is the degree in and do you want to go on the do a PhD and do you maybe just need a break first? I took a long break between my undergrad and masters, but I went immediately into my PhD (like, my masters thesis was due at the beginning of September

I'm Team Dion too. They used to play her at the skating rink where I took lessons and when I hear her music I feel as good as I used to feel out on the ice.

Nobody does anything better than Peter Capaldi.

I'm sorry to hear that. Solidarity through the shit times!


So while you're telling Millenials to grow the fuck up, you also want to boo hoo that Gen-Xers had a hard time too? How useful and not at all self-absorbed.

Seriously. If older people feel like they went through similar troubles finding work and getting on their feet they should try to remember how fucking soul crushing it is when you feel like you did all the right things and still aren't moving forward with your life in any way. I have a master's and I still can't find

Well I screwed up by going to a college with a 7:1 girl to guy ratio. I tried to correct my mistake by going to grad school at St Andrews (hey it worked for Kate!) but I failed to achieve my primary goal - snagging British royalty! Now all I have from school are good friendships, happy memories and those silly degrees

My roomie invited people over last minute to watch basketball. I wanted to just watch a movie and go to sleep. And I hate basketball.

I was a skinny kid until about 5th grade. When I started gaining my weight, my mother and my grandmother (both also overweight) kept telling me that if I was fat I'd be unhappy. My father, whose only interest in my life is if I have a boyfriend and why I'm not married yet was - shockingly - also not helpful. My mother

My boyfriend Joseph Gordon-Levitt is brilliant and I genuinely hope this does well. A lot of what comes from HitRecord is so great!

My ex was dead set on getting married even though we were very young (19 and 20). He was also set on making a big show out of it when it happened. I lived in fear that he would surprise me with a big public proposal even though getting married was the last thing I wanted. Luckily we broke up instead. But seriously,

I always thought a proposal should show how well you know your SO. If you have to hire someone else to plan it for you it just means you're willing to throw more money than thought into it. Personally if I ever get proposed to I hope it's quiet, simple and private, but I'm sure plenty of people out there want an

This is almost definitely going to be terrible, but I'm sure I'll still hand over my $12.

Debating semantics is towards the bottom of the list of things worth talking about here. If you are allowing one group of citizens to marry, denying it to another group is wrong. The fact that marriage is denied to same sex couples based mainly on religious arguments is ludicrous and disturbing.

Can I quote you to the TSA when they arrest me?

Really? Not enough people have babies for you? Granted I don't know Nan's story but personally, I want to make enough money to support my travel habit and I'm not interested in having kids. How exactly is that screwing up the future?

Yup. And good for you for not participating. I wish more men took the time to consider how women feel when they behave like that. Things like that have been happening to me most of my life and it's always an unpleasant reminder that some guys just think they have an automatic right to my body and I have no say in the

I am so so so so so sick of things like this happening. I have big boobs (not that that's necessary for men to behave inappropriately but it doesn't help) and I grew up in NYC where close quarters are unavoidable and I've been harassed and groped since I was about 12 by men on the subway or men in big crowds on the