
Yeah, nobody seems to know how that happened.

Maybe this is because I only got into Game of Thrones because of the TV show and I'm waiting until after each season to read the books, but I think GOT is very different from Harry Potter. The popularity isn't comparable. From my own experience, everybody I knew read Harry Potter as it came out, whereas the majority

I was rewatching the last movie about a year ago. One of my flatmates and I were discussing which deaths traumatized us the most and our other flatmate got angry with us and asked me to watch with headphones in. He had no particular interest in the books or the movies but didn't want to be spoiled "just in case" he

People can be ridiculous. When I was catching up on Mad Men I said that I was interested to see how they were going to handle the Kennedy assassination. Friend 1 told me which season it happens in and Friend 2 got annoyed on my behalf about spoilers. Friend 1 was like "It's not like she doesn't know it's coming!" I

Well, did you read "all the classics" or did you read 5? Since you said you liked 1 of 5. Personally, I wouldn't write them all off because some are boring. Like anything else in life it's a mixed bag. I really like Great Expectations, Pride and Prejudice, and Frankenstein and couldn't finish Emma Bovary or Wuthering

It took me a very very long time to get into Great Expectations. Like, I think it took me about 6 months to get through the first 100 pages. But then I hit a point in it and just raced through the rest of it. Totally worth it!

WHAT? That's just wrong. I was very young in the 80's and I have only the tiniest inkling who Tiffany and Debbide Gibson are. But the Coreys I know. So based on my purely anecdotal evidence the Coreys obviously had a bigger cultural impact.

I wasn't allowed to watch 90210 or play video games either! Somehow though, 90210 made it into my childhood anyway. I snuck it when I could and my friends were always talking about it.

I wonder about this as well. I think with politics some people don't bother to inform themselves beyond what their families think. I have a friend whose family is Republican and so is her husband. If you talk to her about politics for more than a minute, her views are way more in line with what Democrats believe, but

Vulture does a pop culture March Madness, Go Fug Yourself does Fug Madness, last year there was a Muppet March Madness, this year someone is doing a Radio Talk Show bracket. Are they all also being sexist?

OMG you're so right! Are You Afraid of the Dark? was my everything!

Cheesecake is NOT pie!!!!! Although my tastes have grown over the years and I do often prefer pie to cake BUT STILL! Cheesecake is the best. CheeseCAKE.

1. I was so ready to have a heart attack about Taylor Swift dating Rupert Grint. Crisis averted! Please don't do that to me again.

I am super tired of talking about the Oscars but I just want to HELL YES everything you said about having to prove the existence of sexism.

Congrats on making an account specifically for the purpose of hating on someone. You're surprised that her publicist hasn't told her to change her behavior? You might have noticed that both the media and us folks who make up movie audiences are going crazy for her. That's because she's excited and enthusiastic and a

What was the question that prompted that response?

Less is more definitely applies here.

I like kids and I still don't want to be hearing everything about someone's little monsters. I understand it's a big part of a person's life and I'm happy to hear about it for a little while. The little while being key. But speaking as someone who has lots of child care experience, kids, especially babies - not that

It drives me crazy that this is still so prevalent. I know these are more teenage appropriate but can we please look at how amazingly well The Hunger Games and Twilight did? Don't tell me you can't sell a story about a girl. It's BS. It's also ridiculous to say that boys won't watch movies or TV shows about girls.

I haven't read 50 Shades and have no plans to, and nothing in Magic Mike was sexy to me (maybe JGL's parody of it on SNL). But I also don't like more traditional porn because in any I've seen, it generally seems fake and nobody seems to be enjoying themselves. So, there you go - I am a woman who can't be easily