SilverBRADo totaled his beigeslushboxmatrix

“Even a video of her looking crazy and highly medicated would help quiet the rumors that she’s dead.”

“Produce her and all of this goes away AND you make your doubters look paranoid and prejudiced.

Scientology: *makes everything look even more suspicious by sending out cease-and-desist letters full of propaganda*

They’ll get to that eventually, but for now they’re still reverse-engineering the device to figure out what it does.

How much time and money and effort are they spending on all this, when they could just trot her out for a five-minute live press conference/statement saying, “See? I’m fine. Now leave me alone.” It’s almost like she’s not alive or something...

“wife of founder”

“Jezebel is a feminist website,” Riffer adds in his letter. “It should not be a tool to allow one woman (Remini) to harass another woman (Mrs. Miscavige), her husband and her religion.”

No we’re all a bunch of morons, thankfully there’s an internet commenter here with zero experience in the field to tell us how to do our jobs though....

Luckily, California has plenty of fresh water.

Can’t. It’s not about depriving it of oxygen, it’s about cooling the reaction. Even if it’s deprived of oxygen, the reaction will still progress producing more heat, feeding the reaction. Only way to stop it is to cool it. In this case, with thousands of gallons of water.

• Emissions Testing Mode

the C/K pickups did this for a while...

It’s true that most research done with people doesn’t come with any expectations of pay (which some bioethicists already object to). But much of this research, particularly when publicly funded, is done to advance our understanding of science in some way, the greater good in other words, over trying to create the next

I’ve now been suitable educated. Jalop Fam comes thru. Such a collective effort tugged at my heartstrings...

#grab the popcorn . . . I’m in. And then in the sequel can we cover why “wig-wag” turn signal directionals — like on a Chrysler/Jeep vehicle— where the sides of the car flash followed by the front & rear of the car —- are illegal in Europe, where all the turn signals on the car are required to flash at the same time?

Is this a lifetime achievement award for the 2018 Markies?

Of course it is about tug boats.  What else could it be about?

Can you do an article on why from MY1978 - 2004 the amber 194/168 bulb on the front corner had to flash and then suddenly it was not required to flash anymore? I really would like to know why this regulation disappeared.

You’re completely right! Thanks for catching that flub. Should be corrected now. 

I’ll take things men like to tug on for $800, Alex.