SilverBRADo totaled his beigeslushboxmatrix

I am a 53 yr old white woman who coincidentally worked for a major bank as a Sr Bank Officer for many years and I must say I am absolutely appalled at the way this man was treated. He had the standard required information along with his finger print it shouldn’t matter if he is black, blue, green, purple with pink

I’m a WASP who was raised in the south (54 years old). The discrimination is worsening each year. My fears are that our society is rapidly returning to the Jim Crow days. How can we reverse this? We have to educate everyone. Educate! Educate! Please express my regrets to Paul if you know him personally. I wish that I

I hope Mr. McCowns sues the bank and the police department. Please brother McCowns find yourself a lawyer who wants to make establishments,people, and officers pay for treating people like criminals when they’ve done absolutely nothing wrong. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY NOT OK AND AN APOLOGY IS NOT ENOUGH! This was

To be fair, old Saturns have glorious visibility.

“If you’re into power, let’s go down to my van because Red Barchetta through a 10 gigawatt preamp is - Wait, please tell me you’re into Rush...”

I don’t know if cars have gotten too good, but beltlines have gotten too high and outward visibility has gotten terrible.

New cars ARE boring ( most of ‘em, anyway ). When was the last time you barked joyous laughter prompted by your new car’s antics? I used to laugh a lot in my old air-cooled VWs and EA81&2 ‘Roos. Could just be me, but I enjoy over-driving a car, and the newer ones have limits which are too high for my comfort. They’re

If they designed it with the intention of eventually selling it in the US and/or Europe, they probably just designed that all in from the beginning. It’s more expensive to go back and re-engineer, I doubt these guys are dumb

People have been known to leave a heated domestic situation and go kill other people. Usually only when the first situation ended in death, but still. I think police should only chase if they suspect the person will commit a violent crime once he gets away. Sometimes it’s hard to know.

He made threats of causing harm. Not sure how close you need to get before it’s “about to” kill someone, but sure sounds as if he was on his way.

They’re both assholes. I don’t get where people get this insane and completely wrong idea that the states of fault or being an asshole are zero sum scenarios. He’s 100% an asshole and the incident absolutely would not have happened without his involvement. The cops are also 100% assholes and the incident likewise

Eh, can’t it be both?  Seems like there’s enough asshole to go around here (ew).

He did flee after a domestic incident, Tucker was also an asshole.

“made threats of going to a residence in Windham and causing harm”

“Him crashing was not caused by the spike strips, but was caused by him overcorrecting.”

That’s great you’re able to do that but that doesn’t mean everyone has that knowledge or can afford to exercise that option. Bottom line, businesses shouldn’t value profits more than human beings to the point where your work environment kills you

You're not a business.

If you're paying a company to do something for you, you're paying them to do it legally. Samsung should be aware if the people building its devices are abused children, and if they're aware of this fact, should do something about it. Are you really heartless enough to say otherwise?

Yes, they are responsible.