SilverBRADo totaled his beigeslushboxmatrix

I think it’s a European thing.  I noticed that on my friend’s ‘84 Alfa Romeo GTV6 and I think on Mercedes.

The reason I would doubt that is most people would never notice that.

That is like one of those intellectual jokes that you don’t get at first.  At first, it just appears to be folk art made from machine pieces, but if you know what the pieces are, the combination of the rotor and piston is hilarious.

She also stacked the Work Comp Commission with pro-business commissioners.  The commissioner who was assigned to my husband (when he had a hearing scheduled with the commission, luckily he and the insurance company reached an agreement the day before his hearing) was under investigation for ethical violations and his

She probably got called Nimrada a lot as a kid.

I saw it in the window and I just had to have it!

This place is lousy with them.

When you have the giant bedroom, you just get a canopy bed to have a little cozy space to sleep in.

They probably are also used in cross-overs.

Interesting.  I only fake it with guys who don’t know how to pull hair good.

Alternative facts

Like how deck and dick sound exactly alike?

Is that lady driving the car?  Did a man let this lady drive?  Yurp must be a strange and mysterious land.

If you do get served with actual papers with an actual court date, and it’s a third party who purchased a bundle of debt, you can show up, and if the attorney for the debt collector shows up, you can demand the paper trail from the original debt to the collector.  They apparently never have that paper trail even when

Have you seen the 100 year anniversary Chevrolet bowtie? I put black vinyl on the bowties on my Silverado because I don’t like the gold, but it’s not holding up well (it has been two years and I didn’t get all of the edges quite right in the first place).

The history of U-Haul is pretty interesting.


The Iron Lady, on the other hand: