
"Other Amish parents who didn't believe in vaccination started to reconsider that stance after an enormous measles outbreak in their community in central Ohio."

I have so much respect for them for changing their minds because their children got sick. For so many anti-vaxxers, the fact that their children survived a

That is how you know that your (now) fiance really loves you- when you bawl uncontrollably and snot all over their pajamas and they don't take the ring back in horror.

I fucking hate crying babies, but you know what? I hate assholes even more. I can commiserate with the obnoxious, bawling baby. I can't commiserate with the douche-bag who thinks the solution is to be a dick to the mother about the obnoxious, bawling baby. Good for you for standing up for yourself.

I love you!

To say the father's wishes override the desire of the mother to abort is dehumanizing- it degrades women from sentient beings with their own valid needs and desires to wombs with inconvenient ideas about personal autonomy. But I am sure he doesn't care about that.


"'It's OK, I promised her husband, before he killed himself, she'd never be alone. She hates to be alone." She shook her head, "All that crazy's just up there all the time.'"


I nice, fragrant fart is the perfect response for the statement "the flu shot makes you sick."

I would like to immigrate, please.

You are my hero of the day!

". . . How inappropriate it is for men to just approach women whenever they feel like it and demand a conversation."

That line, for real. I am tired of dudes getting all sad sap about not feeling comfortable chatting up/complimenting strange women. Yes, I am sure you are sweet,dude! I am sure you aren't a rapist! I

I wonder if it is on the site Worst Things For Sale. Those things sound like something that would be on there.

Great. Now I have a headache.

Agility? Do you mean obedience? Cause even I don't have to be particularly agile to run in a strait line. Not that I run, in strait lines or otherwise.

The takeaway I got from this was "don't be a dick." That is pretty much my motto for all life, ever.

I got the warm fuzzies. Thank you for your story!

This looks suspiciously like latex.


Uncle Marty? I haven't seen him in ages! My mother and he never got along. . .

Ahhh. That one! Duh. Lol. Thanks! And thanks again!