
The Goosebump stories are what started my reading addiction. I would have to have every, and I mean EVERY new book that came out. I read them until their covers came off. I honestly don't remember what my parents did with them. Do you have any idea what my parents did with them?


I was so surprised to find some that I hadn't read! I went WAY down that rabbit hole.

Desert ghost? Did I miss one?

It is awesome and amazing that you did that. How unfortunate that he STILL didn't get it, though.

Made me lawl!


That was adorable.

Nice touch!

That's a good boss.

Lol. I love the "you have to choose your priorities" line. As if my priority is going to be working at a shitty restaurant.

I literally got nauseous when I read that.

I can't even. *snrk* That is both amazing and confounding.

I. am. flabbergasted.

Ice cream maker. DONE. I win. :P

<insert The Exorcist projectile vomit scene>

Is that swivel-headed enough for them?

I LOVE these stories. They are better than fresh sea scallops lightly seared in butter.

The real question is whether you like cats, though. Because, you see, when you don't mention that you like cats I am forced to assume that you hate cats, but are afraid to mention it. Which is very disappointing, of course. *wry grin*

Hmmm. . . surprisingly satisfactory! I like the bit about soups, as I am a soup snob.

UGGGGHHHHHHHH. The "boys will be boys" excuse. SO offensive!