
That is nothing. I've got a weird thing for Lord Varys that I can't explain.

I can't explain it, but this string back is the sexiest part of the dress!

These are so bad, they are delightful!

Lol. What is this?? *snrk*

I remember the first time I saw her. I was watching Firefly, and Saffron came into the picture. It took the entire episode to pic my jaw up off the floor. *swoon*

Man, if my cat would have brought me home a fat sack, I would have returned the favor with a massive pile of catnip. It's only fair.

What? What?? I don't understand what is going on here! Kitchen/bathroom/bedroom?? This is a house??

I wonder the same thing every day of my life, and I LIVE here. I guess you just kind of get sensitized to this sort of nonsense. I live in a part of the country well known for its conservative, ultra-religious, radical bullshit. You can only rail against it so long before you have to take a break to pet some cats and

Not between the fingers, that's for sure!

Some people should come with warning signs. I'm not sure this is the right way to go about it, but. . .

I like the idea of perpetually perky boobs, but I'm just not comfortable with the concept of having Wolverine-esque breasts.

OMG. I NEED one of these! A giant human-sized cat tree? <jealous>



YES. Adding a service charge and paying the employees an actual wage are fine by me!!

Some states require it. -____-


For something made of silver, these are absolutely hideous.

She raised her hand!! *dies*

UGH. Children wearing child-sized adult clothes kills me. IT IS JUST TOO CUTE.

Also, vaccines for everyone! Yay!