B Town

I’m sure the documentary will get into this, but QAnon yokes itself firmly to Evangelical Christianity, and that’s what keeps the suckers sucking. The more it’s exposed as a grift, the more big dates that pass with zero incident, the more the true believers are encouraged to stay true. Because it’s not fact-based,

The OC hit my high school like a meteor in that first season, and then instantly no one talked about it after that. Years later I’d be absent-mindedly watching reruns in the background as I worked, and discovered that it may be the only high school show that actually got better when it went to college. Or at least,

Something I was pretty pleased to learn is that Speedy is actually embraced, on the whole, by Mexicans. For one thing, in Mexico he’s played by a Spanish-speaking voice actor, and for another...Speedy really isn’t some gross stereotype once you strip away the original Mel Blanc accent. He’s a superhero who kicks ass

It’s a two-pronged problem, in my opinion. There is the issue of giving these people too much ink, too much sunlight, and how resistant their righteous rage has become to scrutiny. And then there’s also the issue of how much worse off our lives have been in the past two decades, a relentless downhill slide into

I’ll say this for Mumford: He contributed to the creation of the Inside Llewyn Davis soundtrack, which is not nothing. Fuck them sons though

For some reason I thought it might have been a shoutout to venerable sitcom director Peter Bonerz, but you’re probably right.

Hmm, as an American living in London, my experience with WILTY tells me that there’s not enough fireworks to get the yanks interested. It’s entirely personality-driven, just four people, a host, a wood-paneled desk and a set with one color. And they basically just talk and riff on suspicious details in each person’s

This movie was solidly good until the end credits, at which point it rapidly transcended every other comedy that year

Trading Places hits a hard hard wall with that blackface stuff, but until then it’s as deeply enjoyable a plate of 80's comfort food as anything else - I certainly can’t deny the nostalgia factor, though.

In fairness, BHC3 absolutely fuckin’ sucks. If 2 was a fitfully entertaining xerox of 1, then 3 is a xerox of a xerox and almost hauntingly unfunny. And overall his verdict on CTA is positive.

Not that I’m here to position Eminem as a bastion of consistency, but he did explicitly tell Trump and any Trump supporters who like his music to fuck off. That was in a rap some time ago, though, so who knows.

Pose could sometimes get tripped up in some story beats and character changes that felt verrrrrrrry Ryan Murphy, especially the way Season 2 would drop some of them on a dime. However, it also felt like that season saw the writing on the wall and just wanted to clear space to tell a few final stories it wanted to

This is a worn-out comparison to make, but his understanding of geography and controlled chaos in an action scene is seriously up there with Spielberg. He just gets it.

That’s a great one. Also forgot about Addams Family Values!

Gore Verbinski can really...REALLY...frame a shot. He’s a slept-on visual stylist, up there with some of the greats. His skill can sometimes completely overwhelm a movie and mutate its tone, for good (The Ring) or bad (A Cure For Wellness, the Pirates sequels). Even a straight-up clunker like The Lone Ranger roars to

Comedy sequels that are good actually:

Hell, when this thing broke all those years ago, it made me actually sit down and watch Varsity Blues. And man is that movie a lot more depressing than I remember the trailers making it out to be. Like, the whipped cream bikini scene ends not in two hot people banging, but rather Ali Larter sitting down on a couch and

“Anti-Patriotism group Flag-Smashers” is ripped straight out of a Dinesh D’Souza fever dream and you can’t tell me otherwise

This screenshot is weirding me out because some people are looking directly at me and others are looking just to the left

I saw a clip of that Katy Perry documentary where Russell Brand divorces her via text with minutes to go before a live show, and we see her trying to evade a mental breakdown before putting on a smile and getting launched out from beneath the stage to go sing in front of millions of people. I don’t know how