B Town

I will never forget the sheer waves of laziness I felt pouring off the screen in season 3. After hyping up a big ol’ reckoning, a gigantic Gilead-destroying plan that would merit leaving her baby and cueing up the Talking Heads in the S2 finale, June heads back into the viper’s nest to...........

These days, as an uncle to two nieces, the Cave Train is mainly a decent place to get out of the sun for a little bit. Giant Dipper is still fun though.

So weird that this wasn’t Eminem

This experience has taught people, but mostly me, that the Golden Globes will nominate anything if it’s a musical since the genre is ridiculously glued together with the “Best Comedy Feature” category. Now I just need to get the rights to Tiny Tim’s back catalogue.

I was gonna say “Zack Snyder. Zack Snyder can’t get Superman right.” But then again, one of his secret skills has always been interesting casting choices (at least I certainly thought Watchmen had a good lineup), so it’s not like he would have necessarily picked a terrible Supergirl either. 

I blasted through all the green stars and stamps in 3D World, up to the final two special stages. I’ll eventually beat the Mystery House Marathon for sure, I’m only four rooms away from that. But my god, I don’t think I have Champion’s Road in me. Will probably switch over to Bowser’s Fury after that.

When I look at these shows, all I can think of is the talk (or game?) show in Requiem For a Dream that Ellen Burstyn starves herself on diet pills for. Just a half-remembered, unclear, dream-logic room of people chanting and yelling and smiling. The heat death of the brain.

I respect Us’ utterly bonkers swing for the fences at the end even if it resulted in a complete shambles. He knew it would be so much easier to just leave the underground stuff in the dark and let our imaginations do the work. And instead he just went for it. That took some guts.

I think this is an easy one, which is that it should absolutely be damned if you do, damned if you don’t. 

Tully was underrated, I thought. And people said good things about United States of Tara (though how much of that is down to Toni Collette singlehandedly carrying things, as she always does, is up for debate).

The music building up to gravel-voiced guy saying “OLD.” has huge meme energy

Qanon is indeed a dangerous cult, and just like the Nazis they cloak themselves in the drapery of Christianity. In this case it’s more like the fever-swamp, tongue-speaking, demons-walk-among-us Christianity. As such, all of their wacky bullshit theories and predictions actually play out as tests of faith - you have

Pixar was definitely smart to focus on characters that inherently have dead eyes and eerie plastic faces for their first movie.

Please let this be good. The trailer is either a pleasant sign of things to come or they used up every gag they have in it and I can’t be sure.

This never happened in mine, it was just an unspoken thing - if you had eyeballs you knew who the hottest people in school were, you didn’t have to say it or create some kind of ranked list. However, our school yearbook did have a “Most Popular” and “Most Shy” category, which is about as close at it got to this.

In this case, the “half your age plus 7" rule would come out to a 38-year-old dating a 26-year-old. Frankly: Still weird. In general though, there is a marked difference in a person’s mental growth once they’ve left college and spent at least a couple years in the workforce. But not enough for a dude about to crack

I also liked the runner about introducing a major guest star every season premiere who is then killed off within minutes.

I can only imagine Justin Timberlake’s thoughts on having to lip-sync another band’s songs, like “I’m competing with these assholes on the charts right now, do I really have to do their song?”

Bringing in experts is a good thing 100% of the time. However, when I’ve consulted them during writing research, one of the things that I ask them is “what would you want a show/movie to reveal about your community that nobody really knows?” And more often than not, it’s something along the lines of “We all really get

If you go to Berlin, there are several brilliant and haunting Holocaust museums and memorials, and Hitler’s bunker (where he killed himself) is just a parking lot now. Food for thought