Beer, Titties and Left Turns
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I see your Megatron catch and raise you one of the most exciting plays in Super Bowl history:

The “lady” in question here is Jessica Mendoza, who is very good in general and was very good tonight.

Great piece. I was an English major in college, so I took a class called Sports Journalism, and the professor was a fairly well-known Philly sportswriter. He was able to use his connections to Philly sports teams to get every one of the 20 students in the class into a 76ers or Flyers game. I am a diehard Devils fan,

It’s less about beating Canada and more about the fact that if we truly put our best guys on the roster, we would have beat the garbage Team Europe, and therefore not have been eliminated by the inevitable loss to Canada.

Aaron. Boone.

But I thought the Cardinals played the right way?!

This is as I suspected. For I, a sinewy Elder, forged in the purifying flames of the 1980s, know good grip strength when I see it. You disgust me, millennials!

What’s to stop people from pretending they tripped?

I can’t believe I read this article. I feel so much dumber now.

Male field hockey player here (American if you’d believe it...long story). Any way, it’s not as painful on the back as it looks if you’re in good shape. You’re only hunched when handling the ball. Also, given the allowable size for the stick’s face, and the fact that you can’t use the backside of the stick, anything

I think this whole controversy is dumb...but if you’re a decent golfer (as Cespedes appears to be), your swing should engage your lower body. It’s not particularly strenuous, but I would question any doctor who said it probably didn’t impact a quad injury, particularly if it’s back leg in his golf swing (right quad

Not to be pedantic, but this:

Goddamnit Burneko. You’re the a victim of a failed marriage, I thoroughly enjoyed that piece. Except for me the “piano” was “a child” and the “broken piano” was the dog we got instead of having a child. In the end I was never able to give her a child...not physically mind you, I’m just an asshole that never

I love this unofficial “senior” heavyweight division the UFC has developed over the last few years. It gives guys that I grew up with like Mir, Bigfoot Silva, Hunt, Big Country Nelson, etc. a chance to keep fighting. Everyone loves nostalgia right?

31 year-old (context is important, right?) Also, I’m a Devils fan, which kinda sets up the obvious:

Great Kinja name. And the correct vote to boot...

I’m guess the judge didn’t do this sua sponte. So what the fuck is the mother thinking?!?! What a petty bitch! It’s obvious she doesn’t like that her daughter bonds with her father over golf, and wants to disrupt that as much as possible. Disgusting that the judge fell for that bullshit. Refuse to believe this is in

plus the limited players in line to replace them

Joe Hart is an awful keeper. I don’t understand how he’s managed to stay a starter at a top club and the starter for his country.