Beer, Titties and Left Turns

I like a more gradual phasing in of making extra innings easier to score. Play the 10th normal, in the 11th batters start with 2 balls. In the 12th a runner starts on first. In the 13th a runner starts on first and the batters start with 2 balls, in the 14th runners start on first and second, in the 15th first and

That is a phenomenal job all around. A marked improvement. The old jersey definitely felt like what you’d expect a 90's-era expansion team to wear, and I mean that in the worst possible way. These jerseys are sharp, and clean, and I like the state flag patch on the shoulder, given that this is a team named for a state

Why anyone would willingly subject themselves to being a parent is beyond me...

No sympathy for this guy, all he had to do was kick back, be the figurehead, and let LeBron coach the team. Dude couldn’t even manage that...

Blasphemous to drink anything but whole, imho.

remind me a lot of Trump supporters.

To be fair to the writers, they’re just reflecting their readers’ (Mets fans’) sudden hatred of Harvey.

That probably makes Vaccaro the Crown Prince...straight outta the Lupica mold...

WHAT?!?! Blasphemous!

Perhaps this massive valuation indicates that potential buyers feel confident that the UFC will emerge unscathed from all of this, and perhaps it indicates that some people have more money than sense. Only time will tell.


But what did Terrence and Phillip have to say aboot all this?

Never having kids. Not going to happen. Just got a divorce over it. I always told my soon-to-be-ex wife I didn’t want kids, and she always said she was fine with that. I guess she assumed I would change my mind...apparently she didn’t know me as well as I though she did after three years of dating and 2 of living

I’m pretty sure we could round up a large posse of Knicks fans, myself included, that would gladly purchase every James Dolan album, and attend every local show, for the rest of eternity if he would just sell the fucking team.

I’ll volunteer my services as a strip club expert to any bachelor party that’s looking.

Do they not have statutes of limitation in England?

For what it’s worth, I love the bonding of bachelor parties. I love the way guys from all different periods of a person’s life (childhood friends, college friends, adult friends) come together, bond, and have a great time. I love that some random-ass friend of a friend always shows up and is the enduring legend of the

Nothing got me like the Kobe’re racist for not including Kobe, yet 4 out of 5 (5 out of 6 if you include Elgin) selections as better than Kobe were black. And then despite the fact that you were actually dissing Kobe, this master of logic accuses you of sucking athletes’ dicks...

This is the type of high brow shit that keeps me coming back. Thanks Deadspin!

My first time was with a friend a year younger than me...who happened to be a more experience smoker. We got high as fuck at his house one summer afternoon (his parents both worked), and then walked 2 miles to the nearest movie theater, stopping at the legendary mom-and-pop fast food joint in our town on the way