Beer, Titties and Left Turns

Way to bury the lede...where’s the damn fans?!

Stop comparing a lawyer citing a stock legal defense in the blandest and broadest terms possible (i.e. he didn’t even specifically say Brown contributed to his injuries in any specific way, just that he did generally), to police who brutally beat and murder citizens almost every day in this country. They’re not even

I’d go one further and say it’s automatically included in every responsive pleading. Period. Full stop. This is stock legalese included in every responsive pleading to guard against the potential that there is comparative negligence proven. This is not “blaming the victim,” it’d be gross malpractice to not include

It should be noted that Ryanair made $1.71B in 2017...

Elon Musk is like that one friend (or SO or ex-SO) we all have that has a million ideas, and starts so many of those ideas, and then never sees anything through to fruition. The closest he’s ever come is with Tesla, and even there, I wouldn’t say he’s seen it to fruition, since fruition would be an actually profitable

All I can think of when seeing the “be cool” part of the tweet:

Seriously...Double Dare only 3rd best children’s game show final round...bad list.

Having met the guy, and being cruise ship friends with him for a week (with pics to prove it) over a year before Facebook debuted, I can definitively say he’s wet af.

Could is an understatement...whether Hazard leaves or not, he might as well at this point. He’s my favorite player on this team, but I don’t think I can watch him coast listlessly through another fucking season, which is the most likely outcome given his history and desire to no longer be in West London.

Any chance the Reds try to flip him before the deadline? Trade high? Assuming it’s not TOO high, could be a good flyer for the Yankees to take. I mean if a change of scenery did this to him, imagine what being on a competitor would do. Only downside would be bringing a headcase party animal back to the city that never

This is a bad take and you should feel bad. Yankees still have one of the best, if not the best, farm systems in baseball despite calling up a handful of impact prospects already this season...try again though!

Dogs and fleas and all that...

And have now made the same mistake!

I’m scheduled to fly to Dallas tomorrow. Might cancel my flight. The hotel I’m staying at has nice toilets (I’ve been), and I don’t know if I want to be in a room with a nice toilet in a city with toilet thieves at large.

Sucks to be the 2nd euro taken in a 1 euro draft...

This really shouldn’t have made me laugh as hard as it did...

No joke, my employer is instituting daily huddles. 15 minutes with your team, every day. So I call bullshit Herm.

Anecdotal evidence aside, this was a fairly well called game by the home plate ump. Certainly not as egregious as some we’ve seen.

Love this movie. Well done sir.

I gotta take issue with the claim that other regions lack excitement. Maybe they lack the quality of play, but storylines abound, particularly in Africa, where almost every group has do or die games coming for many of the big names in Africa.