Working video:
Working video:
Peter King makes everything it his belief that bed checks mean a coach has a team under control, to his blatant lap-dogism for the NFL powers that be, to his blatant hatred of Muslims...everything he does is hilarious. It's just amazing he finds time to run an NFL blog and serve congress at the same…
Sepp Blatter is Roger Goodell except that FIFA's gravy train is run on blatantly illicit, corrupt money. At least as far as we know the NFL's billions come from legitimate sources (non-profit classification aside).
Which is idiotic. If his teammates come over and pat him on the head, it's not a penalty. If they stand around and watch his imaginary putt, it's a penalty. SO DUMB. The NFL is entertainment, this shit is entertaining. It gets soft on DV, but god help you if you do a celebration that some old white man on the field…
Geez. This is these days just can't handle their booze any more.
In this case I think it works. I don't find it dysfunctional at all. Let the fans know you've done more than enough and it's on the player now. Takes some cajones, sure, but in OK with it.
I sure hope your right.
Have we reached critical mass yet???
I could not agree with you more.
Self-awareness is not Jameis' strong suit.
Interesting...I never would have guessed that to be the UN Building. For starters, it looks too tall, and secondly, that's a bizarre angle to view it from. It's most recognizable from the from the front or back (across the river), and that wide rectangle doesn't exactly make for a good silhouette.
Is there anyone at NFL headquarters who isn't a disingenuous prick? I mean I've seen some spin, but what possible justification could the NFL offer for no longer putting games on network TV in the absence of blackout restrictions. Doesn't erasing the blackout restrictions increase the value of network TV deals, since…
Don't worry Jay, Eli Manning still plays tonight. It might not look so bad 5 hours from now.
Hmmm...I'm pretty sure I proposed this during one of the comment sections of a post about one of the atrocious applications of this rule from earlier this year. I think this is a good clarification to the rule, tbh. Yes it introduces some more subjectivity, but it ratchets down the absurdity factor ten fold, which is…
Also, obligatory:
Sam/Santorum 2016...originality points!!!
Washington went on to deny rumors that he was in any way connected to recent freak snow storms in the Arlington area.
Precisely. It's my own entirely subjective opinion. And in this case, I justified why. This wasn't an accident or a one-time lapse in judgment, this was a repeated, cold-blooded torture and murder of another living creature. That to me reveals a deep seated character flaw. Not sure why that's "fucking stupid,"…
I'm legitimately one of the least judgmental people around. I don't judge people unless they've committed a heinous crime. I think that's a pretty fair standard. I don't know what Tony Dungy has to do with anything.
Every person is entitled to determine that for themselves. For me it's a matter of whether I feel the actions reveal a deep-seated character flaw. It's an entirely subjective assessment, but like I said, repeatedly torturing and murdering animals in cold blood reaches that threshold imho.