Beer, Titties and Left Turns

I've seen get rich quick websites with more credibility...

Tim Marchman is a lustful child-cock monster.

If he's truly offended by all racism, which seems to be your argument, isn't hypocritical of him to give Sterling a pass and call out Jay-Z for using the n-word in his songs? And that's assuming the fact that a black person using the n-word in a song is racist, which is a ludicrous fucking premise to begin with.

Reading that column and watching one race-baiting, out-dated troll skewer another race-baiting, out-dated troll over something that only out-dated trolls would ever care about was pure gold. Totally worth breezing past the first 1,000 words.

So wait...just to be're saying Phil Mushnick loves little black boys in inappropriate ways?

seriously, why would anyone care what part of China he's from.

For their own safety, I hope the Doosan Bears never do a US barnstorming tour that stops in St. Louis.

So this means that Bridgewater is definitely the worst of the top flight QBs right?

It's not about admissibility, although if Sterling she it would likely be admitted anyway. Given that it'd be a civil suit there are no Constitutional protections, and its been awhile since I consulted the FRE, but I doubt there is anything in there that would keep this out, especially since it would form the

umm yes. This is hard proof that he's a racist. Versus allegations in Elgin Baylor's suit and a settlement in which he probably didn't admit guilt.

I think every Knicks fan is currently devising ways to get James Dolan caught on tape making racist remarks.

Glad to see that nice Spanish lady found work as a hairstylist.

So basically imagine the shot was hit by Greg McDermott?

Shouldn't this be tagged LOLMets as well?

The ends don't justify the means? Drawing attention to death that is twice the scale of 9/11 by using a comparison that is going to force people to stop and think "hey, why don't I care more about these deaths, given what a huge deal 9/11 was?" It was a necessary comparison.

If a thoughtful piece on the deaths of 4,000 migrant workers in preparation for the World Cup isn't journalism, then I don't know what is.

But this story, the 4,000 Nepalese workers is quite literally life or death. And if it takes a sensationalist headline to draw attention to that issue, so be it. Its journalism in service of a greater good. We're not talking about a fucking Upworthy post claiming a dog greeting a homecoming soldier as the most

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"As Editor-in-Chief of Deadpsin, I assume you have built up a respectable pedigree in your field and have the highest standards."