
why this isn’t sitting in black&white as the top pick in the staff category can only be explained by the author failing to read the comments...

Found the only guy on Kinja who also has de Pfeffel as a middle name.

If the stakes werent so serious this would be hilariously and pathetically awesome.

You’re not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say.

Trump reelection over Biden would be my guess.

Yeah, but, why didn’t you stop it?

It’s slapping you in the face and you don’t see it: THEY! WANT! A! NO! DEAL! BREXIT!

Boris Johnson is an old money version of Donald Trump mixed with a post-motorcycle-crash Gary Busey.

It’s actually rather amazing how well the Onion’s writers know their subjects:

“You have to get more into my body.

This is like when Gary started in the office and asked me for some help:

when the nation’s federal government has been hijacked by a minority faction of hillbilly fascists, yes. everything. how can you advocate otherwise? 

Having dan intentionally send Billy (producer for the day) our of his seat right before this was a brilliant way to absolve him of his responsibility. With on a POC and a white Jewish guy in the booth, he went after Trump and the racists in full force.

Pitaro was hoisted by his own Le Batard.

Counterpoint: fuck Chris Paul. trade him to the Washington Generals. 

Who are we kidding - Paul will still miss half the season and SGA will have all the time he needs to develop.

Could have gone pithy: He just taught that kid that life is a bottomless hole of life sucking disappointment. Only death brings relief.

I, for one, look forward to Steven Adams appearing in the State Farm commercials.

Toughen up, kid. There will always be someone bigger, stronger, better, more connected, more handsome with a better car and shoes who the chicks dig more than you and your weak-ass game.