
Aw hell no, he’s just gonna start looking more and more like Al Davis, hang around for the next 30 years being litigious and making everyone uncomfortable, and then on his death leave the Knicks in the capable hands of one of his sons, who for some reason will have the same haircut as John Gruden.

Well, it didn’t quite work out that way.

This is literally what I was going to post.

Which is why Kinja segregates comments and hides them from your delicate eyes.

Because conservatives can’t handle coming into contact with opposing viewpoints.

No, the tragedy of modern American politics is that one party is led by white nationalists and the other is led by spineless idiots convinced that the white nationalism is a phase and not the end result of 50 years of policy.

Hitting the opposite way against the shift to break up a perfect game with two outs while down four runs in the bottom of the ninth? Even if it wasn’t intentionally hit the other way, surely that’s against some unwritten rule and he’ll be plunked in his next at bat. 

I’m on board if Kyrie is forced to wear a sphere.

Because LeBron is a COWARD who is too afraid to put down real money. Also, Jordan only lost a bet so that the mark will take his action for the real money.

Michael Jordan would never have recruited AD, but if he did, which he wouldn’t have, and wanted to give him his number 23, which he wouldn’t have, he would have closed the deal, because he was a killer. You think Phil Knight would have wanted a piece of MJ one on one in the boardroom? My friend, he would not. LeBron

D'oh! Stupid Nike. They missed a chance to sell a bunch of collector's item LBJ 23s, PLUS a bunch of new LBJ 6 and AD 23 jerseys. 

Catholics and Muslims and atheists have raped children literally billions of times without punishment, so there’s no reason to make this story about Judaism.

and there is the antisemitism

I am noticing it too.. and there’s also a reluctance to use the word pedophile/pedophilia, which this is all about.. and there are some in the media who would like this story to disappear as soon as possible, and i’m betting they will make it happen.. that kingdom of pedophiles story is way beyond Epstein, he’s the

He looks like a lab-human that they grow rat parts on

Counter point: I was so distraught when my favorite team did a sign and trade of CP3, and then traded Blake Griffin after signing him to the max. I thought they were doomed to being basement dwellers for a decade. 2 years later they are the favorite to win the championship. Sometimes you need to take a step back in

Yeah but I’d rather be refreshing Woj’s Twitter page for two weeks than watching regular season baseball, so I’m cool with it.

Aren’t all of the NBA superstars intentionally signing shorter deals now, specifically because they want to exercise more control about where they play?

Also — who among us was excited for the Thunder’s season next year? I want as many exciting or at least risky/dramatic/experimental teams at the top as possible, because the playoffs are what’s exciting. I do not mourn the loss of a 39 win team, and at least their fans now have the future to be excited about.

Maybe they should have sought out a trade that would give them actual, tangible talent in exchange for their centerpiece point guard.

Wait. Why?