
He’s already tied the record by winning finals MVP with two franchises. He’s on track for a third by being the best player on (probably) the NBA’s best team. It’s not totally inconceivable that he leaves the Clippers for another contender and wins titles with four different franchises.

The premise of this article is based on perhaps not a very obvious but a logical fallacy nevertheless. Since the discussion comments don’t point it out very well either I have to put it out there. Listen, it’s a common and understandable practice in any job or any financial market for that matter to seek multiple

A guy who just saw Durant possibly lose years of max salaries due to injury could easily have decided not to gamble and take four years.

you’re the definition of a sheep

Here are the problems that I see:

It’s 2019 and shilling for capitalist billionaires is the only way left for some people to put food on their plate.

Both actions are shit.

Written and signed contracts are obviously the only legally binding agreements, but both teams and players have a pretty big vested interest in these agreements being respected.

I don’t know that formal punishment should be a thing, though. As a Spurs fan, I think playing for the Knicks will

Things like this will always happen if you insist on having the Free Agency start a week before players are allowed to sign contracts. Start FA immediatly after the Finals and just let players sign contracts immediately.

Or they can get rid of the idiotic moratorium they have and allow players to sign on the same day contact is allowed.

I feel like baseball’s problem is that it’s all too much like a team version of golf.

Manfred is half right that it’s not the MLB’s fault. Trout and Harper do commercials (Harper was on that annoyingly prevalent T Mobile ad), it’s not like baseball doesn’t market. He’s wrong that the real fault is the players, the truth is that it’s just not as popular of a game.

I wouldn’t call myself a casual baseball fan, but I loved it as a kid and I read baseball articles here on deadspin from time to time. If you told me Mookie was the MVP last year, I would have bet that you were making shit up. I’m surprised there’s another Mookie after the 1990s, I think that one played for the Blue

“FUCK TRUMP” should be the chant at every event, internationally.

Can someone explain to me how that’s not a charge? Is it basically just Rule Of Cool on plays like this? Because it was a bitchin’ dunk, whatever, let’s count it? Because I’m okay with that when it looks this good. That’s as good as you could possibly hope to defend it, though.

“Not me, us. So vote for me, not them. Me. Not Hillary Clinton, me. Not Joe Biden, me. Not Elizabeth Warren, me.”

Grifters gonna grift.  Bernie’s gonna milk this cow for all it’s worth. 

I’ll admit, I audibly chuckled when I read “remains the best player in the sport by a big margin”. 

I’m a big Warren fan and think she offers a lot of the same policy benefits of Bernie, but has the capital within the party and in both the House and Senate to move her priorities through (e.g.., folks like Pelosi, Bennett, Tester would fall in line with Warren, they’d challenge Bernie). I also think she does a strong

2019 edition Lebron is only better than Kawhi if you assume that A: it’s your superstar’s job to score, and the rest of the team’s job to defend, or B: last season never gave Lebron a reason to hit the gear that would let him lead the scoreboard and guard Giannis at the same time.

Bernie will never drop out. Bernie will never pass the torch. Because Bernie has devoted himself to building a movement that can only have him at its center. The concessions he has made in the past, like supporting Hillary after losing the primaries in 2016, were clearly done only because he would have taken even more