
Well of course the Today Show couldn’t let Monae contextualize her song. Their target demographic probably has zero clue who Freddie Gray is and the rest of the victims of police brutality mentioned in “Hell You Talmbout”. Nope, nothing to see her folks. Can’t mix up the morning opiate formula. We can’t disrupt

Let’s do it, I’ll set a date and we’ll scribe it up.

I’m sorry but all I could think of while reading this is that if I had the artistic skills, I would draw Trump’s toupee as a slice of pizza but then I realized that might make him look better.

A true symbol of their love.

It’s going down! I’m yellin’ Tindeeeerrrrr

“And thus saith the King of Burgers, the Flameth that Broil, the Whopper himself: there is only but one Lord, and you will call him BK.”

13 going on 3o years.

B-B-B-B-Benny and his Jet


Well, well, well.

Janine has always been side-eyeing the Lady GB haters.

Very Cosby, with that textbook half-assed disavowal.

Cherkis points out, too, that Fowley always denied sexually abusing The Runaways, quoted in a 2013 band biography as saying, “They can talk about it until the cows come home but, in my mind, I didn’t make love to anybody in the Runaways nor did they make love to me.” And that may be right, in that “love” is no one’s

Color me not surprised. Both Raven and Whoopi have problematic views on race. I mean, Whoopi paraded around her ex-boyfriend doing blackface.

It’s okay. Jon Snow is Azor Ahai, brought back to life by Melisandre. And if you didn’t catch any of the useful hints this past season, he is both a Targaryen and a Stark; Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark are his real parents. This is “A Song of Ice and Fire”, and Jon is both ice and fire. Plus, he has to die in

This is terrible but I just wanted to point out how awesome it is that the plaintiff’s name is Concepcion.

As much as it is nice to see acceptance of a trans individual in culture, it should be understood, as Laverne Cox so lovingly and wonderfully explained, that this acceptance is through the lens of a particular type of privilege. For many trans individuals, their reality does not reflect Caitlyn Jenner’s (and this

All I can imagine is if the crown had a twitter in like the 16th/17th/18th centuries and they retweeted this lowly imbecile’s tweet with a “lol looks like we need to have a gallows gala, ur the star”.