Cheech Wizard

No, because he’s putting his players in a position to shoot contested 18-footers all game, leading them to a 4/19 performance. Watch a Raptors game, and then watch San Antonio...and tell me coaching doesn’t make a difference.

Casey’s end-of-game playbook is just an index card with “score a hoop” written on it

Dude is fifty? My dude. Looking good, gramps.

Many stars, you will have.

How dare you waste time on the internet, sir

I know, right? How can you forget about the deliciousness that is stir-fried peanut offerings.

hitting Delino DeShields


I know nothing of soccer

Roll up on a former NBA player and challenge him to a one-on-one “if he has the money”? SEEMS LEGIT.

Best part is how this pitch appears to be in the absolute middle of nowhere, surrounded by farmland and low mountain hills. With less of a crowd than my kid’s U12 rep games.

I dunno. Mary had a child, according to Russell’s worldview, and she was a virgin.

Does he know she’s (probably) not a virgin?

I’m not staying up until 1 a.m.

start furiously sending winks on to every woman under retirement age

This is so disturbing, I actually liked it.

Actually, that’s a typical Canadian Saturday morning, but I see what you mean.

This better not stay gray.