This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.
This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.
Better than DKC? Are you high? I’m not trying to channel my inner 14-year old self too much here....but that’s a bold and VERY subjective statement. I like EWJ and all, and had fun playing it at the time, but the article is right. It doesn’t really hold up.
I used to find Earthworm Jim delightful — not so much the obvious jokes, but rather the little details everywhere. I followed one of the creators, Doug TenNapel, to comics, and liked his early stuff; but it started feeling uncomfortably preachy. Then I read an interview with TenNapel where he turned out to be one of…
I guess it’s a smart move to slip this in on a Friday afternoon, but man, why not just chop your balls off and mail them to the guy?
The suspension is quite obviously heavy-handed as a result of the USWNT and Solo, specifically, being so outspoken about fair pay.
So she got a worse suspension for calling a (cowardly) team cowardly than she did for knocking out her nephew?
Rape jokes can absolutely be funny — and they can be pretty damned feminist, as well, as this article illustrates so neatly.
Here I should clarify that I despise coyness and code-speak and that if you ask me whether I “party” the answer will be “not with you”
You know what, Porx? This is the dumbest argument I’ve had on the internet in ages. It’s pedantic and just absolutely stupid. I took offense at being called a dip (which is strange as I enjoy a good dip, be it French onion or in a pool). But none of this matters. Fragment or whole bullet, it's a dumb thing to be mean…
That “tiny piece of debris” was a bullet, you dip.
An accident waiting to happen?
“Live Gun Demonstration”
It is my hope that I will have a similar attitude towards my marriages.
That is a separate issue.
HRC is a gifted politician, a leader, and an inspiration. Just because internalized sexism exists with perceptions of female speakers, doesn’t mean she is a gifted speaker. She may be judged more harshly, but she is breaking that ceiling for others. The First Lady (MO) brought strength,…
Heh, pretty lousy for a developer to complain that we’re cheating when they can’t even outline how the various systems in their own fucking game work to the player.
Egg hatching, distance traveled, the damn three footprints glitch effectively making finding any creatures a guessing game...
Yeah, think I’ll keep…
“It takes the fun out of it”
When developers say things like this, I kind of think they’re idiots. YOUR definition of “fun” is not a universal definition of “fun”.
I mean, as far as orators go she is worse than a lot of them. How do you point out she isn’t inspiring/particularly good at speaking without sounding sexist? Do you compare her to other women to illustrate that no, this isn’t a woman problem, but a Hillary problem? Michelle Obama way better at sounding…
To be fair I can’t think of any online games that allow programs to tap into the code (interviewer’s words) without a ban. Nothing like this at least. Do UI mods have to actually access the code of the game?
I’ll tell them what. I’ll stop using the API scanners as soon as they fix the fucking 3-step bug. How about that?
This woman is an idiot. Sorry, I see a bunch of people defending this childish behavior, but it’s exactly that. I’m no fan of dress codes, but they are common and I see nothing wrong with being expected to look and act professionally even if the expectations aren’t all explicitly laid out. They likely don’t have a…