

Nor should her co-writer dude have to give up his money when it’s the studio’s cascade of errors that’s created this gross disparity.

Trying to justify it by saying these are “industry-standard established ranges based on experience” is especially fucked-up, given the strength of their resumes. He had one movie screenwriting credit and one “story by” credit prior to Crazy Rich Asians. She’d been writing for television for two decades. It’s a flimsy


Frau Ingraham, what is the proper German translation for your tweet?

something funny about an actual Nazi also being a grammar nazi

Bret Stephens strikes me as the kind of person who feels unfulfilled if they don’t get to talk to a manager at least once per day. He’s not only a bedbug, but also a Beckybug.

Thank God I have never had a friend or relative post some horrid shit on social media that I ignored or just plain old didn’t see.

“Krylon Glossy Jungle Green”

Cable news is a cancer. 

Why the fuck did MSNBC even bother with this? What did they gain by letting this asshole on the air? What did this add to the national discourse? If you need to fill time, MSNBC, due the time honored bullshit news thing: film some puppies or something.

If you believe your career could be threatened because somebody else called you a bedbug, you are in the wrong career. Now if you’re willing to sacrifice your career because someone called you a bedbug, that’s on you.

That’s the most frustrating thing about this. Like . . . wasn’t “accusations about dual loyalty” the entire reason why Rep. Omar’s comments were outrageous and beyond the pale? That’s literally where I learned that “dual loyalty” was both a thing, and a slur that was frequently and explicitly directed against

I’d [...] drink a Bud Light.

Super Dave Osbourne seal of approval!!

No joke, burning methane is better for ghg emissions than releasing it. Not being funny. It turns it into H20 and C02. Water and carbion dioxide. Methane is much worse for ghg heat retention in the atmosphere than CO2. It has to be highly concentrated though. You can’t burn cow farts. Which is what makes them so bad,

The wrong people die.

I am sure the deceased man is deeply interested in keeping his contract active.

I don’t date supermodels for the same reason: in my dreams they are perfect; in real life they will disappoint, as any person will.