Beef Waffles

Since he is not Dr. Manhattan, he can only occupy one space at a time. 

To be honest, they didn’t think any of this through. The Republican party is constantly mortgaging our future for tax cuts in the present. Fuck all else. 

Welcome to The Root. It’s like Jezebel, but we just get outraged over different nonsense.

“Hey, why won’t white America acknowledge these injustices?”

Bazzd: “Excuse me, but I think you meant God’s work. You forgot to capitalize and add a comma.”

I don’t know you but...shit, I don’t even know. I’m so sorry. Huge hug for you. 

What is a “signature” anyway? Even if he did sign it, he...didn’t sign it?

This happened in fucking Crenshaw? Proof that racists are stupid for many reasons. If he got caught, he’d be in the hospital at the least. 

This has been the saltiest take I’ve ever seen. I fucking swear, Splinter is just a salty group of angry bloggers.

OMG! Superman is coming to save us...(from Trump)

I forgot to give j4x_ a star until you inspired me. 

This is intolerable...and the exact same thing as yelling at Ted Cruz in a Subway shop. 

I have a pick axe in the shed and used it recently to dig out a tree. I said to my step-son, “ready for some real-life fortnite”? The eye-roll was epic. 

Today I shall scour the interwebs for outrage material.

Have you met the 2018 version of the GOP? Nothing too crazy for most of them. Louis Gohmert is still employed.

“How much money do you got?”

I one-shot sniped someone near the indoor soccer field from atop the missile silo mountain once. That will never happen again. I suck at the game because I can’t build fast enough or it isn’t intuitive enough to me to start building when someone opens fire.

Oh good, I’m not the only one who suffers that fate. But more like 100 feet away.

I love Don Cheadle. He can act and own any scene. And we knew he had comedy chops, too. Let’s not forget Captain Planet.

Trinity college library is well worth visiting Dublin. Seeing the Book of Kells is a treat. Christ Church Cathedral, too. And while it isn’t cheap, check out the Guinness tour or at least take a pic in front of the St. James Gate so you can brag online.