Beef Waffles

HurR dUrrrrr BoTh sIdES, derrrrrr

Once they lost the heart and soul of the MCU (Iron Man and Cap) I lost a lot of interest. RDJ anchored this franchise and his absence leaves a huge void. 

And yet you could have just ignored this article. You should go find an article about Star Wars and let them know why it also sucks. 

This is the worst list I’ve ever seen. I think someone just drew names from a hat. 

Yeah, FB is trash but +1 for this nitpicking article.

I’m not too familiar with this universe and I swore she said ‘Milfguard’ at first. I now know, and am disappointed, that she said ‘Nilfgaard’.

White guy here and, by gosh, are you correct!

Rat fink scum, here. I upvoted it. Good day. 

Well, no one is inhaling coffee into their lungs. I mean, I do, but I NEED that. 

This is why I clicked this article. Bless you, kind person. 

Was really hoping for Herzog Zwei. I might have been one of five people on Earth to have loved that game. 

What else should I be
All apologize
What else could I say
Everyone is gay
What else could I write
I don’t have the right
What else should I be
All apologize

I always like how the concept art for anything Disney omits the awful crowds, SUV sized baby strollers and infinitely long lines at every turn. I want reality in my fantasy!

Joe Scarboring would have cut him off several times to interject. Mika would have been making nonsense sounds or exclamations the entire time. 

That animation was like a story board draft with some color. At one point instead of animating a draconian’s legs actually moving, they literally just slid the image across the screen to show movement. Steaming turd.

Mixed? I LOLed through most of it. 

Should the announcers be saying things during live action like, “He should deploy the shockwave”? Isn’t that kind of coaching? I mean, a top player likely knows this already, but still...

Nice click-bait headline. I thought you were going to point out something that was actually important, maybe a reference to accusations of harassment. This type of pedantry is what NDT does and it’s fun, good-natured and interesting. It was on his Twitter feed which you sought out. He didn’t go on Good Morning America

To be fair, shut the fuck up. 

Holy shit, these are beautiful. And they are all in standard format.