Beef Waffles

“Kellyanne Conway, Hope Hicks, Sarah Huckabee Sanders and other white women are regularly interviewed on network television as officials of the Trump administration, but face no consequences for supporting a white supremacist president. White female Trump supporters are often painted in a sympathetic light in

This is what happens when you elect a moron, surrounded by morons. There are NO ADULTS in the White House!

One word: mother fucking pickles. I stopped watching, haven’t been back since.

“I also hate to break your bubble, but men ARE faster, jump higher and are stronger.”

If they made the women’s events of equal distance, time, etc. and the women got better results, mayhem would ensue. Be reasonable, folks.

I stopped playing online for this reason. Combos like these are lazy and require no imagination in putting together a deck, which is half the fun IMHO.

Thank the Amonkhet Gods. I encountered this often online. It’s a lazy way to play. You still have this problem with Wispweaver Angel and a couple artifacts that can give you either infinite energy counters or life. Harder to get on the board, but still there.

Um, that’s just an interception and then a really sweet forward lateral. Duh.

And why does he still borrow his suits from very tall people?

True, it does not go hand in hand with pay. As a TCS drone, I can attest to that. :)

Voldemort cosplay enthusiast?

But in this case, as in all shootings, it’s too late.

I agree. Because is “Stussy” a thing again?

No one deserves abuse but also, everyone needs to go through a shitty relationship early on in life, for hopefully a short time. Having that SO that treats you like shit, walks all over you, etc. is a character builder as long as you can grow from it, recognize it and there’s no violence. I’ve been through that once

Same. My GF is a Newfie with a green card. We’ve had those same talks. A Trump presidency (or Cruz) is scary as shit.

This article was pointless. But then, so many of Gawker and Jez articles boil down to, “I don’t like this thing and I will try to be snarky about it”.

Everyone IS the good guy with a gun...until they’re not. Once we realize they’re the bad guy, it’s too late and someone is dead. That’s the fatal flaw in that stupid line of reasoning.

Sacrificing nights and weekends to my job. I get paid very well, but there is a point where missing out on things is not worth it.


I can’t decide if the title “Making A Murderer” refers to a police frame job, or that spending 18 years in jail for a crime he didn’t commit turned him into a murderer.