Beef Waffles

Agreed. I thought things seemed fishy with the police investigation but in the end there was just too much evidence against him and for the police to carry out a murder and plant ALL of that seems like it would fail the Occam’s Razor test. And I can’t really even weigh Brendan in this at all. The kid is so mentally

And 3 timeouts left? You can’t save them for the next game.

Damn liberal universities! Always forcing their views down our throats and turning everyone into atheists and....oh, nevermind.


Kidneys are also stoners, apparently. I like it.

I hope so. I have a Fugazi reference in the chamber.

This is just fantastic.

This is why I come to these sites. Thank you and Merry Holidays.

I can kind of agree. I’m very particular about some things like chocolate but oddly enough, I prefer the regular plain Hershey’s bar or a bag of Nestle’s chocolate chips to anything too fancy. And I can’t tell the difference between a $10 bottle of Merlot to a $50 bottle. Same with a steak. Just give me some fucking

To be honest, it is a valid question.

0/10 would bang

Kids, job, groceries, stuff

Seriously just spit water. LMAO.

Pfft. You millenials and your ability to multi-task. Why back in my day when my parents made me watch The Love Boat and blah blah blah....

“I gave Quantico, the Grinder, Supergirl and Blindspot all a try. Watched two or three eps each.”

Because men are 4x more likely to think there was a connection there than women. Guys, her giving you a polite smile does not mean she wants you to pound her.

My overweight cat with a bad thyroid can’t groom very well and gets terrible mats so I have him shaved close to this every several months (sans dragon scales). Just have to make sure to keep him warm until he gets some hair back.


I never understood these when they were in fashion. I always followed the rule to never wear clothing that would prevent you from running away from an ass kicking or the police.

(Editor’s Note: A ‘Skins fan is a racist?! WELL I NEVER!)