The last frame of that video...I’m guessing that’s synthetic oil or tranmission fluid on the ground?
She shouldn’t. Point to me where I said that. I get tired of the screen grabs where Scott Walker looks a bit “challenged” or Hillary looks cray and then we can all hate them more. Gawker is great at it, but most media outlets do it.
We should start with Jezebel grabbing the derpiest screen pic possible, with the sole purpose of making her look derpy.
Or a book club
I think “Santorum Bucket” should be the new “Santorum”on the internets.
My desk at work turned out to be the perfect height for the GF and me.
Like a 5 year old Christian or atheist. No such thing.
You forgot his love of Jesus and comparing the ACA to slavery. The Right eat that shit up.
He annoyed me so much I resolved to vote for anyone on that stage that would go kick Huckabee’s teeth in during the debate.
I assumed you meant how it’s done on a man, but only if he’s on his back.
Meth addicts dress like crap.
That’s a thing I noticed on dating sites a while ago. I’m 5’9” and saw plenty of women 5’5” and under wanting guys over 6’ tall. What’s that about? Are we going hiking and I have to protect you from bears?
I almost choked up myself when he lost that marathon Wimbledon final to Roger. UUUUGH!
I feel all of the tweets at you are interchangable with YouTube comments.
“America is like an honours-list high school student that lights its own farts on fire.”