Beef Waffles

Much like the right bent themselves into pretzels to call the church shooting and attack on religion, they’ll do the same to avoid the thought that these were racially motivated attacks. Once you acknowledge a problem, you have to address it. They don’t want to do that. That means spending money and time on brown

1) One does not “believe” in atheism

Or maybe on a site known for snark, no one is snarking.

It is about fucking time this stupid man’s actions cause him some public shame and consequences. Maybe if everyone stop going to his stupid, high class, very best, most amazing hotels and golf courses, he’d feel more pressure to die in a fire.

Condolences and a slow clap with a standing O.

Repubs/Fox (no diff) have less and less to witch-hunt Obama over. Now they pretend to care about income inequality and the homeless. Soon, they’ll ask why women have poor access to reproductive healthcare...with a straight fucking face.

I hope they never close this event. As has already been mentioned, they all know the risks and as long as innocents aren’t in danger, have at it. That being said, these riders are a different breed of human. I loved riding but one semi-serious crash was all it took for me to hang it up for good. I tried again but I

Irish don’t have douche-beards like that. #notallIrish

See, gay marriage ruins it for everyone!

Jesus fucking shit! What’s wrong with you? This day is supposed to be happy.

Me too!

“You have an incredibly sexy voice. If I just close my eyes while you talk, I imagine someone really hot”


I shove a grape in my butt every morning. STILL have not been attacked by bears. #magicisreal

This coverage disgusts me. FAKE BLACK LIVES MATTER!

You win

I have no idea why you mention feelings of inadequacy when it is our Jesus given right to bring military style weapons to a Chipotle. Just look at these two. Totally adequate...for someone.

The “C” on the wrist for a fucking cat sealed that same opinion in my head.

Dan was doing you a favor.

Just a guess, but the chest is different than the crotch?