Or that you and I are grayed and he is not.
Or that you and I are grayed and he is not.
Preach! Who expects anyone to take responsibility for something Shit did, whomever this Shit person is?
We may not know the difference, but we all know they both look ridiculous.
“There’s never no talk about honoring a contract!”
No, stay. Because we were all thinking it.
I hate that phrase.
I like the whole, “this needs to be your top priority”. No, my top priority is this frozen application that is causing your people lost productivity. Then I will set up your desktop printer.
And answer ALL questions. Not just the first one.
I’m very proactive with my IT security (work and home) and people think I’m paranoid. Then I get to smile smugly when they get compromised.
I’ve legit Googled stuff while on a call to resolve some issues. Google U is a life saver.
Really, tho. I hate having to hunt down details like it’s a scavenger hunt. It takes a lot longer to fix your issue when you open with “my Microsoft is broken” and never answer my emails.
“It was like that” is my favorite.
Related to #1, don’t assume we know what you mean by, “My X is not working”. I can’t count how many times I see a request for help with simply, “the system is not working”, “Microsoft is not working” or “Please fix my PC” and then they will not answer follow up emails or VMs. And by “the system is not working”, they…
Um, because fuck Starbuck’s and their pretentious bullshit? That’s even dumber than when a place has two drink sizes; medium and large.
The fact that MRAs want to boycott this movie is all I need to get me to see this. I’ve not read up much on what MRAs are all about, but their reasons for this boycott are god damn hilarious. I (almost) find it hard to believe they aren’t trolling us all.
Fuck it, I’ll give him a pass on both. The man is doing God’s work here.
Things like this can suffer from too much hype. I still can’t understand why The Big Lebowski is considered to be some holy grail of awesome. I only watched it a couple years ago after years of everyone continuously treated it like the 2nd coming. My reaction: meh. I’m sure I would have liked it more had it not been…
Exactly. And a lot (nearly all?) of the perspective on romance comes from a male character and is easily relatable to anyone who was ever a teenage boy. And why would that be the deciding factor to not watch a show that you were almost going to give a shot. That’s just...odd.
One just needs to see her try and handle ANY questions about domestic or foreign policy to know she is less than qualified.