Beef Waffles

Thank god we’re all being rational about this.

Stephen A Smith; the reason why I stopped watching First Take, Cold Pizza, First and whatever the fuck, etc.

Wow. An asshat AND stupid as fuck.

Who the fuck needs a random foul ball on their shelf that is older than 13?

"That shit happens in every stadium"

I’ve witnessed at least 2 guys man-scaping in the locker room. One didn’t bother to clean up his trimmings. What the fuck makes you think that’s acceptable?

Shit, I'm a man and I'd rather have a sweet Dyson than a dog. Those nice lines in the carpet....sooooo good.

I did Ireland alone last year for a little over a week before visiting relatives. Drove about half the island, visited what I wanted, when I wanted, then drank in pubs and met locals at night when I wanted. Great trip. I was hesitant when I was planning it but I had a great time. Ireland was a good international

I went to that site once after Googling that stupid shirt. I came away with the impression of Douche-Bros. I'm fucking amazed people wear shirts and have bumper stickers with that dumb shit. You're one step away from having a Shocker sticker.

When my GF is telling me a story that is taking way too long an going all over the place, I simply ask, "who got shot?" Thankfully she knows she tells horrible stories, as testified to by Patrice O'Neal.

You remember that mind-flashy thing in MIB? Probably that.

Yup, snorted coffee just now. Jesus, that was funny.

"Tina Fey and Dennis Miller were the top choices to replace Jon Stewart at The Daily Show."

Remove the word marriage, still applies.

No one is ostracizing or denying rights of Christians because of their lifestyle in America. Apples and Oranges.

"Maybe, as a Christian, that we haven't been as articulate enough in describing what our actual stance is on homosexuality,"

Did...he say, "P-P-P-Peace"? Stop it.

Thank you for putting your life and sanity on the line so others don't have to.

Part of me wishes social media was around when I was in high school/college. It would have helped weed out so many bad decisions. (the other part of me is glad it wasn't as I'm sure I would have done all the same dumb things kids do these days)