Using "could of" is grounds alone for rejection.
Using "could of" is grounds alone for rejection.
Yes, THIS exactly. As someone who is not as well schooled in feminism as I maybe should be, I come here hoping to read some deep shit. Instead I see tons of snark.
"CALLER; "The arm and I think my penis."
In all fairness, have you been to that site? ;)
I tend to dislike anything that comes out of Chuck Klosterman's mouth, because it is usually wrong and pretentious as all shit.
Stupid teenage boy acts like stupid teenage boy. Because teenage boys are, generally, dipshits. I sure was. This is not shocking.
Killed vampires, you mean.
If my wife wanted to get tested for STDs, it would make me wonder.
Is Dragon Age: Inquisition magnificently better than Origins? That was the last Dragon Age game I played. It got amazing reviews but I found it to be underwhelming as fuck.
I just figured I did it more because, if it's silent, no one has a chance of knowing I did it. You can't tell the direction of a smell.
That sounds like something from Ace Ventura. I think the key is to not try to be too clever or witty. Just...dirty and honest.
Google broken again, eh? Shame.
Let's just end beauty pageants all together. They're archaic.
Meh, let's just end beauty pageants.
Thanks. It's been fun, and in all sincerity, enjoy your holidays. :)
And you've gotta stop taking the bait.
Dude, if you really think I'm even close to being serious with ANY of this, then, that's funny. You're humor/sarcasm meter is broken because I'm just messing with you. I mean, when is the last time someone said, "Good day, sir" and was being serious? It's been fun, and in all sincerity, enjoy your holidays.
"It said the study monitored their internet usage..."