
“What’s worse than rain on your wedding day?”

I understand that Harden is upset, but before making comments like these after games he should just take a step back and then take a step back and think.

I love how she framed it as if the officer was victim blaming, when what he was actually doing was cataloging details that are entirely relevant to the determination of whether a crime was committed. Pointing out that the victim admitted that she engaged in behavior that made it legally permissible for Brown to

Exactly. This is dumb.

I get the impression you are desperately blowing on embers in the hope they combust into a full on bonfire.

Can you see this post? Apparently Diana doesn’t like people posting relevant state laws in her article trashing a man’s reputation, but I don’t know if she just dismissed or banned me for posting the law that said he was within his rights to physically remove her from his doorway.

Am I the only one who thinks this is nothing? She wouldn’t leave his doorway, he removed her.............she got a scrape. 

ESPN has a nice click-baity headline “Report: Steelers’ Brown pushed woman to ground.

Ok, so I know that everyone tries to write every incident like this off like it’s nothing....

Please explain to me what his options are if a woman is barricading herself in his door without permission. If you say “call the police and report a trespasser”, I will stop you right there. Ask her if she’d rather have a bruised elbow or a misdemeanor on her file.

How To Vote Your Interest:

What the fuck man this is fucked up. You don’t just go blindsiding someone with a tackle like that. He gets jerked back and slammed straight onto his back with nothing bracing his impact. Fuck this guy and his bullshit attitude towards legitimately injuring someone.

Announcers trying to give him the benefit of the doubt saying the ice under the floor caused him to slip. Nah bitch look at his damn plant foot, he straight up puts the side of his foot on the ground! That’s simply a dude who forgot how to run and jump for a brief moment.

So, PCB’s gripe is that he wasn’t bailed out by the correct application of a rule that in this case would have been terribly unjust?

They were going to have two of these set up at once, but due to Kauffman being an AL park they were unable to execute a double Switch.

Still a million times better than any college basketball game.

It’s the defenses fault for getting burnered. 

“What’s the big deal? When I got on the phone in the middle of a game I usually lost way more than $30,000.”

man seriously shut the fuck up about crunch and the long hours. they chose to work there, they chose to make this game. review the game, not the behind the scenes shit. they’re gonna make a billion dollars off this game, i’m sure they don’t mind putting in a few extra hours. jesus fuck.

I thought he played for Portugal.