A problem literally only Deadspin would choose to care about
A problem literally only Deadspin would choose to care about
I mean, these guys play basketball because they like playing basketball. You guys keep saying his decision might be different if he were being paid... except, unless a hypothetical college salary was extremely high, comparable to an NBA salary, you’d STILL make the same tired argument.
Uh sorry, you don’t get to just make up rules. Nowhere in the rulebook does it say a Flagrant has to be contact with the head. All it says is excessive/unnecessary force. This was definitely excessive, he chopped his arm across Zach’s entire body making no play at the ball. I’m sick of all this revisionist bullshit…
Exactly. This is dumb.
Please explain to me what his options are if a woman is barricading herself in his door without permission. If you say “call the police and report a trespasser”, I will stop you right there. Ask her if she’d rather have a bruised elbow or a misdemeanor on her file.
What the fuck man this is fucked up. You don’t just go blindsiding someone with a tackle like that. He gets jerked back and slammed straight onto his back with nothing bracing his impact. Fuck this guy and his bullshit attitude towards legitimately injuring someone.
Lillard is pretty much agreed to be one of the coolest and nicest dudes in the league. And Westbrick is an ornery piece of shit.
Announcers trying to give him the benefit of the doubt saying the ice under the floor caused him to slip. Nah bitch look at his damn plant foot, he straight up puts the side of his foot on the ground! That’s simply a dude who forgot how to run and jump for a brief moment.
Yup you nailed it. That point obviously went to the guy who rightfully deserved it.
Am I the only one who thinks the call was NOT before the hit?
What a dumb sport
As they’ve proved? Come on.
sorry Katherine but Capitalism is still the correct way of governing.
but bruh it’s just not entertaining at all to watch. you ever actually tried to watch??
man seriously shut the fuck up about crunch and the long hours. they chose to work there, they chose to make this game. review the game, not the behind the scenes shit. they’re gonna make a billion dollars off this game, i’m sure they don’t mind putting in a few extra hours. jesus fuck.
Fuck this. This is dirty pool trickery that goes beyond the spirit of the game. An offensive player “giving up” on a play happens all the time: at the end of games when a player wants the play to end so they can snap another play, the QB sliding, etc. You can’t pull an okey-doke and keep going after you’ve already…
How about you post the actual information yourself instead of simply linking to a tweet, that way the folks who work at places that ban social media sites can still benefit from your blog post?
Do what you want to me, but anyone who fucks with my dog will never take another breath on this Earth
You’re making fun of a comedian because.... his jokes are less funny in print than they are delivered? The fuck is this bs?