Because Why

Due to having worked in food service, coffee shops, and retail for my entire adulthood, I am hard to gross out, but the TIPS story made me gag. I can see it so vividly, that's so ridiculously disgusting.

Those McDonalds dudes were definitely tripping their face off.

Reminds me of years ago in college, in a borough of NYC, we used to go to the Greek cafe/diners ('Cheeseburger cheeseburger') after a night of drinking and get some breakfast at about 3 am. Buddy of mine worked in a local bakery; after drinking and breakfast, he heads to work. At work, nauseous, he losses it in a

But that is different than the child being left to his or her own toddler sized devices on the floor underfoot.

"They closed the salad bar early that day." I heard that in Garrison Keillor's voice.

"I have stabbed a child before" is the best way to make sure that I read your story until the end.

ATTENTION Emma Stevens and boyfriend! Do Not eat that food. No matter how hungry you are, Do Not accept food prepared by a dude too stoned to pronounce Ranch dressing. Do Not wait this long for McDonald's. Ever. Do not pass go, do not collect dollar menu nuggets.

Years ago a Hebrew school teacher told me it was "make sure the cow isn't being served with its mother's milk".

At present, the leading theory is drugs, but this is also compelling.

I'm a fairly consistent order guy when I find a thing I like. So on my way in to a new job and find a Jack-in-the-Box down the street. I order a #17 with no egg and a soda (I like my caffeine cold) and head on in. I continue this daily for about 2 weeks (spare me the outrage, Jack rules) and one day I roll up, take my

That 5th story reminds me of one of my all-time favorite stories from tending bar. It was at this high-volume restaurant disguised as fine dining, and was right beneath a movie theater, so we got REALLY good at turning and burning tables. One day this sour-looking old guy sits at the bar during our slow part of the

RE: Bacon-Croissant Guy: you just know he jerked off as soon as he got back from the bakery, right?

Maybe Skinny P was so stoned that he pixelated his own bong. I bet you didn't think of that.

What is the origin of that picture? Who is this person that likes Breaking Bad, but needs to pixelate a bong?

I'm looking forward to next week's offerings when a guy writes in to tell the story of a breakfast place he went to every week that was ALWAYS out of bacon croissant sandwiches every time he went in.

This was basically NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD meets THE WRESTLER plus BACKDRAFT with elements of ENTER THE NINJA, FORREST GUMP and MOMMY DEAREST. ... on a food blog.

Is there anyway we could do a retail version of this one day? Cause I have way more heroin addict stories than I should.

that southwestern salad tho

No clear alcohol but there might be a buck in loose change in it.

*Reads title*