Because Why


I misread the headline as "hot dog that looks like sam elliott" and now I'm really disappointed.

Guy Fieri is alternatively pissed that he didn't think of this and furiously wanking himself to this ad.

I love the Parrot that dances to reggae on that timer thingie.

This is real? Just... WOW.

I'm stealing this. K thx!

Eh. Wasn't 9 1/2 Weeks also from the 80s? Its pretty much the same story.

Who would your dream team be?


I hate making my own pancakes and I have also brought my own real maple syrup to IHOP. They dont care. Corn syrup don't cut it.

No lie, I would come home after a long day and watch it while eating takeout in bed.

Bill Cosby?

BB. That's perfect!

Oh ya. It's a huge problem. And why marijuana needs to be legal.

I hate the grapefruit in a sock look that happens. Part of the reason I never got mine done.

Burt. I miss you. It's Sunday and no sign of your posts. Hope all is well and I'm just being a dork bc you're taking much needed vacation days.

Eh. Sublingual is a method of delivery. Could be the meds don't come that way. Fentenyl (sp?) comes in a patch form and it's the same transfer sort of concept. I really feel for people doing pm because they do have to escalate dosage and methods over time :(

I admire anyone who weathers a shitstorm and keeps their original account.

But you get all the Whataburger. That isn't on the West Coast. #RupertsFault

If shes preggers then it's worse because then all I can think of is the little caterpillar in the oven. Or worse, larva. LARVA. Eggs. Ugh.