Because Why

She must have lost a bet. There can be no other explanation.

Oh shit. I thought when they said "riding the white horse" were talking about doing drugs. Maybe the 70s were a more innocent time than I've been led to believe.

A plague upon the houses of anyone involved with any remake nonsense.

Better than me. You limit yours to 2 per sitting. I can't help myself.

Huh. I'm out of the loop. It's really weird when you learn more about people than you wanted to know. : (

That can't be healthy. ; )

What does Natalie Tran do? Is she that beauty blogger?

I still want the wine. All the wine!

You're awesome, Cpn Blackudder!

I'll join a tampons for wine exchange program. Malbec from Argentina is my favorite!

I was wondering why they went with the "I Got Caught Looking at Tentacle Porn" Shutterstock photo for a longevity story until I read the article.


I would love to see your internet history, Shrayber.

Who peed in your cornflakes this morning? Jeez.

We share an undying love for Joni Mitchell and for that reason I will say that although I don't agree, there are worse artists for kids to fixate on. I liked NKOTB and grew up to appreciate other artists. There is hope for our youth yet.


Which is not to say I have no respect of occult Wicca or whatever the hell someone wants to believe. But come on, how do you run and sustain a psychic business in a small town honestly? Enough to live off and raise a family. Its just not possible.

It would be really interesting to see how many stories like this would come out if more psychic shops were investigated. I know of one in a town I used to live in where the owner pretty much specialized in taking the elderly for all they had.

That and the fact there are some really rich rural salt of the earth type of people that grew up in communities where these kind of grifters are less common.

Good. Put their asses away for a while. People like this make me sick. Stealing and conning for a living is bad enough. But they wanted to take everything from this poor guy. & I really don't think probation is an effective deterrent for con artists.