Because Why

In Portland, OR. Where we had this menu (fried chicken for Black History Month) at our federal building cafeteria.

Yes they were, and it was so inspiring to hear their stories and their calls to action. But, a day on which such a historic event happened on our campus has been completely overshadowed by a stupid, insensitive move on the part of our new food services contractor, Chartwells. Wright State employees were not involved

Can you picture all the earnest little freshman journalists for the school paper wanting to interview you after these shenanigans? Every single year?

My name is Brandy Foster. I graduated from Wright State and am now faculty there, and I find it unfair that the university is being labeled racist and insensitive due to a crap decision made by our food service sub-contractor. Wright State is incredibly inclusive and champions diversity—that same day that the

This is my university. Believe me, that school is all about diversity. It's known as the best school for people with disabilities. I went to class with people in beds. Wright State is also well known for their sensitivity to all races, creeds, sexual orientation, etc. I truly believe this was just a stupid mistake. I

i know this is really controversial...but i like kfc's original recipe :(

I live in Austin, an they've done the same thing at my university and the two high schools I've taught in every year for as long as I've known them.

Is cool fun girl the equivalent of a Nice Guy? If it isn't can we make it?

Yep. One of my friend's kids has repeatedly told my husband that he is "hot" and when she grows up she is "going to marry him", while simultaneously sending me a death stare. She is four and a half.

Wait when the hell did the SAT start being scored up to 2100????? What happened to 1600??? How old am I???!!!

"...this time she closed the card with: 'From the woman who loved you first.'"

100% real

yeah mark you really dropped the ball on this one


why do they lie when we all have the internet?

A soul. You are missing a soul.

They probably just leave mom's empty gin bottle lying around too and don't even bother to water it down.

Way back when the Cable TeeVee was just getting rolling, I watched Porky's at my minister's house, while my parents had a lovely dinner and chat in the next room. I was around 10 at the time. I was an early adopter, porn-wise.

I came back from the doctor and said I probably couldn't get pregnant without a lot of help - help I've decided I didn't want. He hugged me, said it was OK, and asked me to marry him. Right there, in the hallway, with a litter box not 2 feet away. I said no.