Because Why

Sometimes it's not clear just how bad your relationship is until you experience something more normal. That can be a huge wake up call.

They could always stand to do another. Like they keep shoving movies about broody individualistic straight white men down our throats every year, but there's only a She-Devil once a generation?

Didn't they already do a movie sorta like that?

Things doctors pull out of people, ranked: 1. Appendix 2. Teeth 3. 401K 4. Satanic spirits 5. Blatant lies as to their dietary habits 6. Beer bottles from the anus. 7. Balloons full of heroin 8. Blood 9. Kidney Stones 10. Your soul.

At least iggy didn't win anything.

I had the same reaction! I was a fan for years and although I haven't followed him closely in the last few I figured I would at least be aware he had an album out. Nope, not a clue.

Eh. They are accomplished musicians. They have fans. It doesn't matter that you and I don't know who they are.

It's a frequent thing done by these awards: shower artists with accolades for their more mainstream fare after the truly groundbreaking and interesting work gets passed over for—other things.


I'm Joey. I mean, I'm disgusting.

+1 for focusing on what really matters: the pizza.

Guess I'm gross too.

So, I had my laugh. I was amused. But now I'm cringing at all the disgusting things sent. She doesn't have to be likable for us to defend her right to privacy.

But you know this shit wouldn't have happened if she had Digiorno instead. Though I'm more of a Tombstone guy myself.

If this is just a giant ploy of the Digiorno Lobby I'm going to be very upset.

... and then focus on his music.

That delivery dude didn't really want that job, anyway. He's just going to take this time to really get to know himself....take a road trip with his boys...maybe volunteer with Habitat for Humanity.....