Vaginafication Nation

Honestly, your reply is somewhat disingenuous. The full quote from your source provides needed context:

It is bad. The pure brutality and stupidity of the assault, that’s bad enough. The completely unjustified nature of the assault, that’s bad too. But hearing an essentially dying man calling out for his mother in his last conscious moments - that’s unbearable.

I couldn’t get through it. I have seen a few clips on Twitter, but my kids are walking in and out of the room and I don’t want them to see it and frankly, I don’t want to watch yet another murder by police. We know how this ended. This is systemic brutality and it was deliberate and these police officers enjoyed doing

In one of the video he yells for his mom a few times. No one should have to experience that from another human being.

The police have used NHI (no humans involved) in paperwork, radio transmissions, etc. to diminish crimes against people they have no respect for. Like Black people & sex workers. This reductive, dismissive mentality the patty roller police have used for decades was on full display in that restaurant. Of course, they

No surprise Mattingly is on the conservative speaking tour now. Murdering Breonna Taylor is literally his qualification. 

It’s by design, not by accident. Make us relive trauma as often and as pubicly as possible for one simple reason- they hope we lash out, attack, get loud, or act in any way to justify further violence against us (whether committed by law enforcement or just the average racist citizen).

Now playing

Fun Fact - English Bulldogs often need ceasarians, due to the large heads and narrow hips. They are the most deformed, unhealthy breed of dog.

If anything, the pandemic combined with the political climate of the past few years has made me more paranoid, less trusting, more cynical. more antisocial, more germophobic, more withdrawn, and has made my OCD and other problems worse.

That whole dismissal of shooting a cop always stayed in my mind....
because there was no way in hell these cops would be so petty as to let something like getting shot slide so easily.
I always wondered what else they were trying to hide?

Can we just be happy for her? I’m happy for her.

Thanks for the link. I’ll be watching it soon.

Indeed. I just finished the article and seriously had to pause midway. It’s a hard read. Especially the end when it’s written about Lionell Dotson hugging the plastic bag containing ashes of his sisters Katricia and Zanetta. I have so many questions that I’m not sure any one can answer. The biggest one is, does the

Show your work. The level of supposed knowledge you have of this whole situation leads me to believe you’re full of shit. How do you know nothing was on social media about this? How could you even know that? 

“While in college at West Virginia, he was charged with underage drinking and fighting with police at a Pittsburgh Pirates game in 2008...” -

She’s part of a criminal conspiracy to overthrow the legitimate US Government (because it wasn’t fascist enough for her and her rabid, radical religious cohorts), and the DOJ has all the records and documents necessary to prove it in a court of law.

in light of all the evidence they have about her extremely active, almost psychotic, role in the attempted overturning of a legitimate election, I feel like they are handling her far more delicately and patiently than they should, especially with Liz Cheney leaving the J6 committee soon.

I’ll believe it when I see it. 

Not sure about these nations specifically, but you should check out how Haiti became independent. The Euro colonizers might have ended slavery before the USA, but they were far from finished with pillaging the nations.

“acted as reasonable officers would...”