Vaginafication Nation

Now, those boys are left wondering what about them is so suspicious,

Why should he receive special protections?”
He shouldn’t. But the federal government should probably do something to fix Georgia’s prison.
His viciousness doesn’t mean justice is served through inhumane conditions.

Everyone knew this was going to happen. Ms. Griner is an American citizen who plays overseas for her part time job because her fulltime job pays 1/10 of an NBA player’s minimum with the same amount of experience.

I’m so sick of Monica Lewinsky, she really needs to go away.

As fucked up as this is, Jones is better off seeing these snakes expose themselves now before the grass gets too tall to see them strike.

Race baiter?

Too many people in these comments are drunk or high.

In Poland, they created a national registry of pregnant women, so that if a woman goes to see a doctor for any reason, any reason at all, and the doctor thinks she’s pregnant, she gets added to the list. That way, if, in the future, she disappears from the list, without a baby to show for it, well...

I’m sure the delay was authorities demanding the majority Latino town of Uvalde to provide the immigration status of the people in the school before sending help. Then send in Border Patrol to deport the “rapist, mugger, killer”.

40% of that towns budget goes to the cops... and when they are actually needed, they patiently watched children die while waiting for someone else to come and do their job.

Never forget

It didn’t matter the rehabilitation he’d done and didn’t matter the changes that he made, the apologies, both public and private”

It’s about to be some salty ass menfolk in this comment section. Just go ahead and use the tiny megaphone over there to tell us how wrong your opinion is.

Forever and ever. Amen.

The worst thing about these websites not being what they used to be is the unchecked trolling from accounts seemingly in the black.

There’s no statute of limitation on murder and she was an accomplice as far as I’m concerned.

I’m currently not talking to a friend because we’re in the GR area, and he’s like, wonder when the riots start.

I said, wtf was that cop thinking, he executed the guy. Friend sends me 3 pages worth of texts saying basically, he deserved it for not following any orders.

To which I said, basically a paraphrase of both

I don’t think he’s at all wrong about some white people being mad that we’re no longer slaves. They sure as fuck keep looking for ways to return us to slavery vis a vis a criminal injustice system that targets us for everything while overlooking white people’s criminality when possible.

The rise of Nazism and extremism is BECAUSE we’re integrating and doing it better. An ethnic majority (soon to simply be a plurality) is facing down a loss of power and privilege in a democracy when they’re no longer guaranteed control.

San Francisco dealt with the police taser problem in the best way: not allowing them to have them.